Chapter 27: Lamentations & Fun

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Chapter 27

Even though Jasmine knew they had to talk about their fight, she felt strangely exhilarated and fulfilled. Just knowing that she might be able to kiss him like that regularly made her heart beat faster. She was anxious to finally sit down in the restaurant to straighten this out. She may have ran a couple of stop signs and sped a little bit because of it but she was just so happy.

After about fifteen minutes, she finally got to the restaurant and saw that Cody was already parked. Jasmine guessed he was as anxious as her and she was too lost in her thoughts to notice he passed her. She walked in and sat down at the table where he was. The waitress came over and asked about their drink orders nad Jasmine swore she was completely eye shagging Cody just like the last one.

"Umm lemonade is fine thanks," Cody answered looking uncomfortable. Her eyes landed on Jasmine and she pasted on a sickly sweet smile. "Water," Jasmine said wanting her to leave as soon as possible. She sent one last glance at Cody before taking off with their orders. She rolled her eyes at the waitress's flirtiness. Jasmine hoped she doesn't expect a tip.

"So..." Jasmine began trailing off trying to think of how to start. She figured she should begin with what happened with Jay since that's pretty much what the whole argument was about. "What happened with me and Jay was definitely not voluntary on my part," Jasmine began raising her gaze to Cody he nodded and she continued.

"I was walking with the rest of you guys when Jay shoved me behind a tree. I tried to get him off of me and I should've been able to but he held my hands and blocked my legs from trying anything. He startled babbling about me kissing him and said if I did that he would leave me alone. So I did but he tried to make it into something it wasn't so I found my chance to knock him to the ground and told him not to mess with me again. I swear I didn't think anyone saw us."

It was quiet for a few moments before he responded. "I am so sorry. It's just when I saw you and Jay I was so jealous and hurt that I just went off. I know that is no excuse for calling you those horrible names and I'm so sorry."

She could see the remorse written all across his face and she knew instantly that she forgave him. "Well I wasn't exactly an angel either so I'm sorry for calling you... well, what I called you." "You know I kind of have a theory about that," Jasmine admitted. "Really?" he asked looking quite interested.

"Yeah, I mean I have never been that person you saw when I was yelling at you. I had never been that pissed in my whole life and I could feel an emotion flow through my veins fueling intensity that I had never felt before."

"I think I know a word for that feeling," Cody smiled.

"Really? Because I thought about it for a while and couldn't come up with anything. I know it wasn't hate because the whole time all I wanted was for you to listen and believe me." Jasmine could see guilt flash through him. "But you said you knew a word?" she asked trying to make him feel less guilty.

"Passion," he disclosed simply. "At that moment it was passionate hate but it could have easily been turned into just the opposite." Before she could comment on that, the waitress came back with their drinks. "Have you decided what you want to order?" she said batting her eyelashes at Cody. She had finally had enough of this! They came there to talk and eat not to watch and be hit on by waiters/waitresses!

"We're good thanks," Jasmine answered for him sharply. "I was talking to him," she said sneering at Jasmine looking at Cody practically shoving her boobs in his face. "Ditto," he responded not even looking in her direction to honor her comment. "You can go now," Jasmine spat out extremely annoyed and jealous. She could see Cody trying to hide a smirk. She took her eyes off of him (as hard as it was) and stared back at the snotty waitress who looked upset but it was unknown if it was because Jasmine responded or Cody didn't want her.

That'll never happen.......whoops, too late!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora