Chapter 29: The Question

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Chapter 29:

It was Friday, class ended for the day and Jasmine was ready for it to be over. She didn't really learn anything for the week because she was too busy daydreaming about Cody. She had never really had a boyfriend unless she counted sixth grade when a boy in her class asked her to be his girlfriend just to say he had one.

They broke up a week later when she caught him giving flowers to some other girl. Good times. Anyways she was tired from doing nothing and headed over to her locker to get ready to go when suddenly her world turned black. She could tell immediately just from his presence that it was Cody. His feel, his smell and his build were all indicators.

"Guess who?" he asked, his breathing tickling her skin."Cody," she whispered trying not to shiver but failing.

The hands were removed as his beautiful face came into view. "How did you know it was me?" he asked looking surprised that she would respond so quickly.

"I just know," Jasmine said mysteriously walking off. She heard his footsteps behind her. "I know we finished the project but we should gather up our things and make they are all set to be turned in because the project's due next week."

Oh, snap! She totally forgot about that. "Yeah, we definitely should. Can you come over?" "Yeah, I'll just follow you home. I think all the stuff is at your place anyways."

"Okay, I'll see you there," Jasmine said before giving him a smile and skipping to her locker and getting ready to go home.

Simone and Aliyah were already there talking and when Simone saw Jasmine she asked "Why do you so look so happy?"

"Oh, no reason," Jasmine expressed happily and ran out the door before she could be inquired any more.

Jasmine looked through her rear-view mirror and saw that Cody was behind her. She smiled bigger just happy that she could spend more time with him. She pulled up to her house and pulled into my driveway. She got out just as Cody was parking on the curb. He quickly caught up to me and she unlocked the door.

She saw that Gabe wasn't home and her mind raced into the things she and Cody could do... no! She should be focusing on the project.

"I still have the stuff for the project in my room," Jasmine said going towards her room.

Cody followed suit and a few minutes later, they were in her closet. Jasmine smiled when she remembered him insisting on carrying her to the bathroom when the tack got stuck in her foot. Even though she was organizing all the things for the project with Cody, she can't say that Pre-Cal got any more interesting than before.

But Cody and Jasmine joked around and time passed by quickly. It was a little after seven before they totally finished. "Finally," she sighed in relief as she wrote their names on the back. Not even five seconds after that she heard the front door close and her mom yell "We brought take-out." She looked at Cody as they both raced up out of her room following the sweet aroma of food.

They ran into Gabe on our way to the kitchen; Jasmine didn't even hear him come in. He gave them both a look she couldn't place as they all slowed down and headed towards the kitchen. Her mom was just putting the food down on the table as they walked in.

"Food's ready. Are you going to be staying for dinner?" Jasmine's mom asked with the question directed towards Cody. He glanced at Jasmine in affirmation as she nodded. "Yes, that would be great." So they all sat down and talked about their day. Jasmine's parents mentioned that they were going to a church conference this weekend so they would have the whole house to themselves.

Gabe and Jasmine shared a look of glee as they did their silent happy dances. Cody looked amused as he watched. Soon dinner was over and it was time for Cody to leave. "I think I left something in your room," Cody said to her after they finished cleaning up.

So he followed Jasmine up to her room and she let him look around. It had to been more than a couple of minutes and she noticed he appeared to be fidgeting more than looking around. "What exactly is it you're looking for?" she asked "Maybe I can help you find it."

Cody turned around to look at her and when she saw his face, there was no doubt in her mind that he was nervous. "Well... I didn't really leave anything up here." Jasmine crinkled her eyebrows in confusion before he continued and said "I just wanted to be alone when I... well... umm..."

It was quiet for a few seconds before he asked "Will you go out with me?" A smile tugged on my features as Jasmine looked at his now closed eyes. She hadn't responded verbally yet and before she could say anything he, opened his eyes and looked everywhere but her and started rambling "It's okay if you don't I mean we don't have to I just thought..."

While he was rambling she was slowly walked up to him and cut him off by softly kissing him. When she pulled away, slightly out of breath Jasmine said "Yes." Cody looked confused for a moment before she said "Yes, I'll go out with you."

He grinned before kissing her again and said "I'll pick you up tomorrow at five." He headed towards the door and before he exited her asked him "Where are we going?" He just smiled and asked "Wouldn't like to know?"

Jasmine smiled to herself as she heard his car drive away. She changed into her pajamas and turned on a movie before she fell asleep. Early the next morning, she heard her parents leave for their retreat and she found herself anxious for her date.

It had just occurred to Jasmine that I didn't call Simone and Aliyah and tell them about her date. She immediately whipped out her phone and called them both putting it on three-way. "You'd better have a good reason for waking me up this early on a Saturday" Simone complained slightly begrudgingly.

"What's going on," Aliyah asked sounding sleepy as well. "Cody asked me out!" Jasmine all about yelled.

Immediately questions were being thrown at her. When did this happen? Why didn't I call sooner? Where's he taking me? What am I going to wear? Eventually, Jasmine had to pull the phone away from my ear and asked "Are you done yet?" they both shut up after that so she tried to answer their questions.

"He asked me out yesterday after we finished out project. I don't know where he's taking me since he didn't tell me. Since he didn't tell me where we were going, I have no idea what I'm wearing. And I didn't call you sooner because I fell asleep."

"Well we're definitely coming over to help you get ready for your date," Simone said and Aliyah confirmed. They all hung up soon after and when she turned around Jasmine saw a very disapproving Gabe behind me.

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