Chapter 17: In Trouble

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Chapter 17

As Jasmine was being dragged away, she couldn't help but think about how surreal this whole situation was. She definitely shouldn't have come there. But then again what would have happened to Cody if she didn't? Apparently, the lock on the back door had been broken into and she was shoved inside. The two guys led her to a classroom, threw her in there, and locked the door.

Immediately, Jasmine tried to think of ways to get out. She glanced over to the window and went over to it, but she saw that it didn't open. She busily was looking around for some way out when the door opened. She froze and turned around slowly. "Hello Jasmine,"  Jay said. As he approached her, she stood her ground. Jay came towards her and grabbed her wrist. Jasmine hoped her menacing stance would tell him that no funny business was going to be taking place.

Okay maybe that wouldn't work but it's worth a try. She put her hands on her waist and said very calmly "If you don't take your hands off of me in 3 seconds, you'll really regret it." He scoffed at her as he leaned in. 1,2,3! Just before their lips touched, she kneed him in the area where 'the sun don't shine.' He screeched in pain as Jasmine ran towards the door.

Before getting there, he grabbed her arm and she sighed. "I really didn't want to have to do this but if you don't let me go, I won't hesitate to use the skills I learned when earning a black belt." She guessed he took this as a challenge because he continued to advance toward her. Next thing you know, Jasmine punched him in the face and did a roundhouse kick to him in the stomach. He fell to the ground but he probably wouldn't be on the ground long seeing as he says he beats up people.

So against her preference of defense, she stepped on and twisted his ankle before she walked over to the doorknob. Jasmine yanked it open but to her surprise, the guys that threw her in the room weren't there. She cautiously approached the door outside and saw that the rest of the guys were standing there looking big and scary 'guarding' Cody who now had duck tape over his mouth.

She ran towards them and before they even knew what hit them, Jasmine was throwing punches and kicked in all directions using multiple combinations. When she went to get her black belt test, the guy who was fighting against her moved quickly and she had to really concentrate on his body language to be able to determine his next move. And although she hadn't practiced in a while, she had to say that this was easier than the black belt test.

Wow, what a great group of jocks...note sarcasm. Before they all got back up she ran over to Cody, grabbed him by the arm, and led him to her car limping. She quickly helped him into the passenger seat and then she  ran furiously to her seat and took off driving. Jasmine could see some of the guys up from the ground already so she had to step on it. She didn't even know where the stuff that she brought for 'helping' Jay was but it was definitely long gone. After she had driven a few minutes away from the school she turned to Cody and asked "What the heck was that?"

This whole day was exhausting, unexpected, and really stressful. Jasmine still couldn't believe what happened. "I don't get it," Cody said perhaps thinking aloud. "I'm right there with you. Have you ever met them?" Jasmine asked curiously because even though Jay claimed he'd been in her class for years, she hadn't ever talked to him, really talked, and had a conversation with him so it was kind of creepy when she thought about someone keeping tabs on her like that. Almost like stalking.

And then it hit her. All the times in the past few weeks Jasmine felt like she was being watched, she really was. It had to have been Jay or one of his followers! She shuddered at the idea as she was driving towards Cody's house. She mulled over the thought for a little bit trying to place the face of any of the guys she saw today. She thought she recognized at least a couple of them from the football team?

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