Chapter 6: The Beginning

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Chapter 6

It was Saturday morning and as per usual, Cody had absolutely nothing to do, nothing calling his name. He guessed he could do some exercises to be in shape for dancing, so that's how he decided to spend his morning. He went outside doing, crunches, push-ups, and some boxing on the punching bags. He worked on some balancing exercises and practiced one of his favorite choreographed dances, working on his form and speed.

By then it was lunchtime and because Cody was tired, he decided to order pizza for lunch. The doorbell rang and of course, a girl was the one delivering. "Wow, you're hot," she stated bluntly. He raised his eyebrows not replying and handing her the money for the pizza.

"I get off at 7. Maybe you want to meet up," she purred in a way he used to find at least somewhat enticing.

"Thanks but no thanks, " he rolled his eyes grabbing the pizza and slamming the door. Some girls just don't get it! It even crossed his mind should get facial surgery or something. That way he could walk around this earth without being gawked at so much.

Cody's father left a few hours later and Cody spent the time playing videogames. It was after 9 at night when he heard the door slam. He didn't think much of it considering his father had been MIA as of late. He continued to play for a few more minutes until he heard glass breaking. It was then that he paused the game and cautiously walked down the stairs to check out what was going on.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs, Cody saw his father, whiskey in hand walking through the glass on the floor that used to be a picture frame. He glanced from the frame to his father. He was leaning unsteadily against the counter with unfocused eyes, a week's worth of stubble, a slightly wrinkled polo shirt, and jeans.

He was drunk.

No, wasted. Cody had seen him drunk before, even before his mom got really sick, but never like this, not in this pitiful state of disassociation. Not sure what to say, he went to the pantry and retrieved the broom and dustpan.

Wordlessly, Cody bent down and carefully picked up the photo nestled beneath the shards of glass. His throat caught as he saw his mom's smiling face for the first time since before she died. Swallowing the lump in his throat and the urge to cry, he placed the photo on the counter and swept up the glass putting it in the trashcan. His father polished off the whiskey bottle but struggled to walk and deposit the empty glass in the sink.

Cody walked over and said "Here let me--" but rather than letting Cody help him, Cody's father pushed him back so hard he fell into the counter and onto the ground. Looking up at him shocked, Cody flinched as he put his hand on the place that connected with the counter feeling a bruise starting to form. Not even acknowledging his fall, his father walked over to where he set the photo and picked it up. Cody looked up at his father and for the first time since the hospital, his facial expression was contorted with pain. For a split second, Cody thought his father was going to cry. But as quickly as he thought that, his father went back to his normal disengaged, uninterested expression.

His father looked up from the photo with a blank expression. "Why couldn't it have been you?" Crumpling up the photo, he walked shakily out of the room. Trying to process what just happened, Cody slowly got up and walked out of the kitchen and back upstairs to his room. He had the urge to punch a wall and throw things but he shoved it down and started clenching and unclenching his fists trying to figure out a way to block out his thoughts. Feeling like he was going to blow if he sat there any longer, he decided to go running.

Cody put on his running gear and grabbed his phone, heading for the door. He knew his destination, the park. Maybe he would get peace there, who knows. As his feet pounded on the pavement and his heartbeat increased, his thoughts drifted back to getting pushed by his dad. He was working hard to think about other things but the thought kept making its way back into his head. The shock, pain, and hurt he experienced as he alluded to wanting him dead.

Finding that he could no longer breathe, Cody slowed down with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath feeling the blisters starting to form on his toes from pounding the ground so hard. He looked around and noticed he was around the garden in the park. He walked further and that's when he heard crying. Tempted to walk away, overwhelmed with his own issues but feeling a slight pull toward that direction and admittedly curious, he walked over.

As Cody got closer, he found a bench with a figure hunched over sitting on it sniffling. Sitting next to the figure he debated on what to do. Eventually, he settled on what to say. "What wrong?" he could hear her stuttering. "A lot is going on with me right now." Not bothering to fight the urge to hug her he inched closer to wrap his arms around her slowly and when she got comfortable he just held her. He couldn't see her face because of the angle but it didn't matter who she was.

As Cody held her, he realized that this hug wasn't just for her but for him as well. She didn't realize it but given the night he had, he needed a hug just as much if not more than she did. He must have dozed off for a bit because when he opened his eyes to shifting in his arms. "Oh sorry," he realized where he was. "Cody?" she raised her head up looking tired and confused. "Jasmine," he questioned he was sure looking equally confused.

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