Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

*Author P.O.V*

"Guess who found what they're going to be for Halloween?" Harry asked as he slammed open the bedroom door to see Niall drying off his wet body.

"Babe, Halloween is five months away. You do this every year." Niall said with a groan while Harry threw the police costumes on the bed.

"We've been together for five years. You should be use to this by now." Harry said walking over to Niall and rubbing his hand against his slight beard."Now stop whining and put it on."

"What makes you think I'm just going to do what you say?" Niall questioned while leaning his head to the side.

"Oh I don't know. It may be due to me doing everything you ask for so stop the whining and complaining." Harry said then flicked Niall on the nose.

Harry let out a squeal as Niall put him over his shoulder. His hand rested on Harry's bum and gave it a squeeze as he walked over to the bed. He tossed Harry onto it before pinning his arms above his head. A scream leaving Harry's mouth as Niall started to tickle him with his free hand. His eyes closing and his body squirming around as he tried to get out a few threats but they were interrupted by his laughter. At that moment, Niall wanted to take a quick picture of the moment. The first reason being that he needs more pictures of Harry in his phone. The second reason being that Harry hasn't aged a bit. His dimples were still deep as ever. His hair was still long that it almost reached the middle of his back. His beautiful laugh was the same. His personality was still the same as well. As everything else around him changed, he stayed the same. He was pulled out of his thoughts as Harry's hands slipped out of his grip. He laid his body against Harry's knowing that Harry hated being wet when he had clothes on.

"Oh god, you're wet. Get off." Harry said as he kicked out his legs while Niall laughed at his misery.

"You don't get to boss me around all the time babe." Niall said before putting his wet cheek against Harry's cheek and slowly wiggled around.

"I'll finally go golfing with you if you try the costume on." Harry said and a smile came up on Niall's face as he got off of Harry.

"Fucking finally." Niall said while clapping loudly and howling, which made Harry shake his head.

He grabbed the costume and ran to the bathroom. He had been trying to get Harry to go golfing with him for a long time. Harry always ended up blowing him off, saying he was sick or had to work that day. To be honest, Harry just didn't like the sport. He's supported Niall with all the choices he made but when it came to golf he was nowhere to be seen. He honestly couldn't believe that he would actually have to go golfing now. He knew that Niall was going to brag to everyone and take so many pictures. Just the thought of that made Harry pout. He whined loudly as he sat up and looked at the random patches of water on his clothes. He took off his clothes, only keeping his boxers and socks on, and threw them into the closest. He reached his hand out and grabbed his costume before putting it on. Once he finished it off with the hat, Niall came out of the bathroom while putting on the hat. The two looked at each other at the same time before bursting out in loud laughter. They looked absolutely ridiculous as they walked over to each other. Harry pecked Niall on the lips as a quick thank you then reached for Niall's phone.

"Oh my god, not pictures babe." Niall whined while Harry lifted up his arms to make it look like he was being arrested.

"Yes pictures. Now make a face." Harry said putting one of his hands on Niall's bum to make it look like he was patting him down while his other hand took the picture.

Niall made a shocked kind of happy face as he looked at the camera. He knew that if Louis saw this he was going to give him shit for this. He smacked Harry's hand away when it squeezed his bum. He glared over at Harry, who pecked him on the lips again as a apology. However, that didn't stop Niall from wrapping his arm around Harry's neck and using a pillow to whack him on the head. The two ended up falling on the bed with Harry on top of Niall. Both of them were out of breath as they looked at each other. Harry chuckled as Niall played peekaboo with his hair that had covered his face. He smacked him on the chest before pushing all of his hair out of his face. He was honestly surprised that he wasn't annoyed by it yet. He let out a yelp as his hair was grabbed by Niall and he was rolled over so Niall was on top. He was going to ask why he was being treated like a ragdoll but he was hushed by Niall's lips being pressed against his. He let his hands rest on Niall's chest as he leaned up into the kiss. He opened his mouth some so Niall's tongue could dip inside and press against his. The moment was ruined, however, as a body jumped on top of them. A wince leaving Harry since he had to deal with most of the weight.

"Zayn, we're too old for this shit." Harry said making Zayn chuckle as he put his hands behind his head.

"When you need a diaper, then you can call yourself old." Zayn said with a shrug of his shoulders."By the way, I love the costumes."

"What brought you here?" Niall asked with a roll of his eyes while easily getting from under Zayn and taking off the costume.

"I brought gifts over for the new house." Zayn said causing Harry to snort as he shoved Zayn off of him.

"Zayn, we bought this house two years ago." Niall said shaking his head while Zayn raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Last time I checked it was never too late to house warming gifts." Zayn said before screaming as Niall looked at Harry with a smirk and jumped on top of him."No, don't start this guys."

"Fuck me." Harry said while letting out a fake moan as Niall started to take off his costume.

"Okay. I'm going but I'll be back." Zayn said pointing a finger at them before running out of the house while the couple laughed.

"I love you." Harry said as he wiped away fake tears while Niall rested his forehead against his.

"I love you too babe." Niall said quietly before he and Harry shared a long yet passionate kiss.



I was having a hard time deciding should I do a time jump for the last chapter or continue off where they left off. After some thinking, however, I came to the conclusion of a time jump because I was running out of shit and I kind of like time jumps better for a ending. Anyways, this story has been awesome to write for you guys and I'm thankful for the people who stuck around from the beginning to now. I hoped you guys liked the ending.

Bye my Tio. 🎅🎁👭

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