Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Author P.O.V*

"What is up with you and all this mother crap?" Harry asked as he traced random patterns on Niall's thighs.

"Me mom is dead because of me. A day before she died, we got into an argument because she accidentally wrecked me car. I told her that I hate her and that I never wanted to be her son. She cried and apologize multiple times but I just ignored her. The next day, I found out she was shot in the head at a bank robbery. She was taking out money to get me car fixed. Out of all the twenty five people that was there, she was the only one to die. I was sixteen at the time so I pretty much lost it when I found out." Niall said and Harry stopped all movements.

"I should have never brought it up." Harry said quietly while Niall just shrugged his shoulders.

"It's fine." Niall said slowly feeling Harry relax on top of him again with a sigh.

Harry knew that he'll definitely have to make up with his mother now. He wanted to do something right that would make Niall happy. That and the thought of his mother getting shot in the head because of him made him want to give her a chance. He shook his head of the bad thought and let out a sigh. He looked over at his jeans and thought about should he be calling her today or tomorrow. He shrugged and decided that he was going to do it today. He got off of Niall and went over to his jeans. He took out his phone then unblocked his mom's number before calling her. He walked out the room with his free hand resting on his hip. He bit his bottom lip as the phone rung a few times. He really hoped that she didn't suddenly give up on him. His heart dropped to his stomach when he heard his mother's voice. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth.

"Hi." Harry said as he sat on the top of the stairs with his chin resting on his knees.

"I'm so glad you called me." Anne said on the other end with a big smile on her face.

Their conversation lasted for hours with them laughing and crying about old memories. They shared new things that was happening in their lives and they talked about their future. Of course their relationship was still rocky but they were willing to fix it over time. If Harry was being completely honest, his heart felt a bit better knowing that he was going to have his mom back. He couldn't wait for the loving hugs, kid nicknames, and talking about his relationship. He had ended the call five minutes ago and his eyes were red as he stared straight ahead. The smile that was on his face was painful but he couldn't get rid of it. He jumped feeling Niall's hands come in contact with his back softly. He put his hand to his chest then stood up with a chuckle. Niall led Harry back to the bedroom and that's when Harry noticed it was night. He put his phone back in his jean pocket before getting on the bed.

"Aren't you just proud of me?" Harry asked while putting his hands behind his head.

"Yeah." Niall said while getting in the bed and getting in the same position Harry is in."Now go to bed because we have a date tomorrow."

"Wow. I can't believe that I'm actually in a relationship. Just a few months ago I was fucking people left and right. Now I'm with a nerd who has a bomb ass dick." Harry said to himself while shaking his head.

Niall chuckled before he put his hand over Harry's mouth and went to sleep. Harry quietly laughed before falling asleep as well. When morning rolled around, Harry was knocked out as Niall got ready. He made sure that he looked perfect as he looked at himself in the mirror for the last time. He put on his glasses then headed to the bedroom with a smile on his face. He walked over to Harry before he softly pressed his lips to Harry's forehead. He wiped away the little bit of drool that was at the corner of Harry's mouth. The gesture made Harry slowly open his eyes with a groan as he stretched out his body. He sat up and rubbed at his eyes as he let out a long yawn. He poked Niall's nose before getting out of bed and heading to go take a piss. He came back out a few minutes later shaking his fingers dry. His head leaned to the side seeing what Niall had on. He honestly didn't think that their date would be right when he woke up.

"Where are you taking me? I swear if you say its a secret I'm going to punch you." Harry said poking Niall's chest.

"Its a secret." Niall said then faked groan as Harry punched him in the shoulder.

"If I blow you would you tell me?" Harry asked while putting his hair in a ponytail as Niall started to undo his jeans."I guess that's a yes."

"If you can really hurry it up. We do have places to be." Niall said and Harry raised a eyebrow and stopped himself from getting on his knees.

"Rain check. We can come back to it later." Harry said with a smirk as Niall's face fell and he whined loudly.

Harry went to the bathroom to go get ready while Niall moped around. He really wished that he could have kept his mouth shut. The thought of him possibly having a blowjob a few minutes ago made him want to cry. He took off his glasses and cleaned them a little bit. It took a while before Harry came back in the room looking beautiful as ever. Niall jokingly bowed and whistle making Harry chuckle and roll his eyes. He pressed Niall to the floor before he grabbed his phone then ran out the room. He made it outside and stopped to read the text that his mom sent him. Before he could even reply, he was pressed against the next door neighbors car. Niall had Harry's wrist above his head and was pressed against him. The two looked each other in the eyes with a dating look.

"You're going to make us late. If you want that blowjob, I suggest you get off." Harry whispered in Niall's ear then bit it before slipping out of his grip with a delighted smirk.



So now you finally figured out why Niall was so keen on the whole mother thing. Its sad. I know. The reason why my stories are taking so long to be updated because I'm actually going back in each of my stories and fixing the grammar and adding longer paragraphs. Every time I go back and look at a story its grammar is cringe worthy. So do not think that I'm neglecting you guys. I love you way too much to do such a cruel thing.

Bye my Casual Affair.👪👫👬

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