Chapter 10 (!)

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Chapter 10 (!)

*Author P.O.V*

*10 Minutes Later*

Harry runs into his bedroom, shutting the door before taking off his jeans and boxers then sitting on the bed, grabbing his bottle of lube. He lays on his back as he coats his fingers with lube, making sure they are slick enough before bringing his index finger to his hole. A shiver runs up his spine from the cold substance. He curls his finger trying to find his prostate. He is somewhat getting frustrated as he slams his finger in and out, adding his middle finger. He grabs his pillow and bites it, trying not to make a lot of noise knowing that Zayn and Niall are downstairs or probably at his door making fun of him.

His eyes roll to the back of his head as he hits his prostate. A groan leaves his mouth but is muffle by the black pillow. His other hand let's go of the pillow and goes to his dick, holding it tightly before pumping himself. He now knows why nerds like to masturbate all the damn time. It's really great. Harry closes his eyes knowing that he has 28 more days until he gets pound by the blonde hair male, which makes him groan again. His eyes snap open when he hears footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall. He picks up the pace as he hears whistling. He doesn't want to get caught and he is glad that he feels his release coming.

"Oh Harry, are you playing with yourself?" Zayn sings, which makes his best friend roll his green eyes.

"Fuck off!" Harry shouts before sliding his thumb across his slit, which makes him cum hard in his hand.

He doesn't have much time to come down from his orgasm as Niall and Zayn come in the room. Harry doesn't care because he is able to have his release. He sits up and sucks his cum off his fingers. He is going to play them at their own game. He looks over at the nerd and sees that he doesn't have a reaction. He looks over at Zayn and sees him gulp, looking down at his feet. A grin comes up on Harry's face as he stands with his hands on his hips before putting back on his boxers and jeans. He sits back down on the bed, crossing his legs before doing the same to his arms. Niall crosses his arms, keeping eye contact with Harry, trying to see which one is going to crack first.

"Can I help you losers?" Harry asks and the blue eye male shakes his head with a laugh before sitting down next to him.

"I would like to take you out on a date so you can get to know me better because I don't want to come off as a total dick. It's one day and that's it." Niall says and the taller male's eyes grew wide with his breath hitching in his throat as he looks over at him.

"Sure. I guess." Harry states then scratching the back of his head, looking down at his lap.

He can't believe that he is about to go on a date with the nerd. He has never been on a date with anyone before. All he does is run into someone then if they look sexy he would charm them all the way to his bedroom before kicking them out the next morning. He honestly doesn't know what people actually do on dates. He thought that he would never go on a date. He feels stupid at the moment. He wonders if the reason the blonde gave him is a lie or the actual truth. He probably came up with it with his best friend and they are plotting to embarrass him whenever he goes on this date. That thought makes him a bit mad but then he looks over at the blonde, who looks like he really wants to do this.

"When and where do you want to go?" Harry questions as he plays with his fingers, wondering why he is all quiet and nervous.

"Maybe tomorrow around noon and I was thinking we could go to like a nice restaurant." Niall explains, fixing his glasses.

"Okay great." Harry says before dragging Niall and Zayn out of his room, shutting the door in their face.

He puts his back against the door, closing his green eyes and taking in a deep breath before snapping his eyes back open. He remembers that he now has to pick out a outfit for tomorrow. He goes over to his closet looking for the right outfit. He grabs a black shirt with pink flamingos on it and black jeans ripped at the knees along with some brown boots. He makes sure they are sitting on his nightstand perfectly before falling on his bed, covering his face with his hands. He doesn't know why he's acting like this and he knows he shouldn't but he just can't help it. He really does need some rest so he does just that. He close his eyes and falls asleep, hoping tomorrow won't be a disaster.

*Next Day*

"Wake up drama queen you have to get you ready for your date!" Zayn yells, banging on the door.

Harry sits up quickly once he hears the loud noise. A yawn comes out of his mouth as he rubs his eyes. He hisses when his warm feet make contact with the cold floor and he now regrets not getting carpet. He walks out his room then into the bathroom, stretching his arms above his head. He can smell the sausage and eggs Zayn is making downstairs, which causes his stomach to growl. He takes a quick shower before going in his room to get dressed then makes his way to the kitchen as his friend starts to eat. He grabs his own plate and digs in, closing his eyes because hot damn that taste so good.

"You look nervous as fuck." Zayn states with a chuckle before drinking his lemon juice as his friend shrugs his shoulders.

"Well yeah. This is my first time going a damn date. If I do recall, you almost fainted when you had to go on your first date with that girl." Harry says, smirking when his friend stops drinking.

"Hey, I was 15 at the time. Of course I was nervous. That was normal for a boy at my age." Zayn states, pointing a finger at his friend, who put his hands up in the air.

"Whatever. Just remind me to have you make breakfast from now on because damn you got skills." Harry says, wiping his mouth off then stands up, heading out the kitchen and waiting in the living room for the blond.



So looks like Narry is going on a date and Harry masturbated twice in the same day. I always wanted to be a guy for like a day just to know how it feels to get my dick sucked and sticking my dick in someone. It's like every time I see a boy I think of that if I made this awkward for you then I'm sorry I didn't mean to just wanted to voice my thoughts/opinions.

Bye my carrots.♥

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