Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

*Author P.O.V*

"Do you seriously mean that? Please don't let this be a prank because I will kill myself." Harry asked after he had stopped choking on his food.

"Yeah. I really do love you." Niall said with a smile which made Harry cover his mouth with his hands.

"I think I'm having a heart attack right now." Harry said which made Niall chuckle as he continued to eat.

Of course, Harry would say something like that. He's never been told I love you from a significant other, besides his family. He's never really been compliment either unless it was during sex. Even then, it was just about how good his hole felt or how his mouth or hand was so talented. He was tired of hearing those anyway. Niall, on the other hand, gave him compliments from time to time. He really liked the feeling of being compliment or someone saying that they love him. He reached out for Niall's chin and pulled his face close before kissing him. This kiss felt way different than any other kiss he's had with Niall. This one made his lips tingle and his body get covered in goosebumps. If he could relive one moment of his life over again, it would be this exact moment. Believe it or not but Harry started to feel whole. He sat his plate down then did the same to Niall's. He just wanted to be made love to right now. He slowly pulled off Niall's shirt then let Niall pull off his.

"I love you too." Harry said smiling big before he grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him to the bedroom.

Niall knew that this was different from the other times Harry and him had done it. He was totally fine with this as well. He could see the changes in Harry and it made his heart glow. He was gently pushed down on the bed once they made it to the bedroom. Harry took off his sweatpants before doing the same to Niall's. He was glad that both of them had decided not to put on boxers. He had grabbed the last packet of lube from the dresser and tossed it to Niall. During the whole intimate moment, Harry was very quiet but in a good way. Not one dirty word was uttered between the two. It was odd since he was also being really gentle with his touches. It was as if Niall was a fresh painting and if he touched him too hard he was either going to rip or smear the paint. He, additionally, felt if he said the wrong thing then the whole moment would be ruined. Their climax was something that neither of them could expect to turn out the way it did. It was a warm yet chilling feeling. There were little to no sweat on them. Tingles went from their heads to their feet. The little bit of hairs on their body stood up and their eyes were filled with satisfaction.

Their hearts couldn't stop beating fast. If it beat any faster, then it would surely bust. The feeling was just so great that they felt like they would pass out from it. The two laid facing each other with smilies on their faces while looking deep into each other eyes. Harry blushed as one of Niall's hand moved a strand of hair out of his face then kissed his forehead. He let out a groan as he was turned the other way. He was going to ask why he was being positioned that way but he soon felt Niall spoon him. Of course, Niall just had to add on to the cuteness and intertwine his fingers with Harry's. The size different was hilarious. Harry, a tall and manly looking guy, being spooned by Niall, a nerd and not that big of a guy. Harry, honestly, knew that he could get use to this feeling for the rest of his life. He gives absolute props to the director of romanic movies because shit like that does happen in real life. He closed his eyes and let out a satisfied sigh.

"We should probably go clean ourselves off before the cum fully dries." Niall said after a few minutes of laying there with Harry.

"No. I'm too comfortable right now." Harry said with a whine as he felt Niall trying to tug his hands away.

"Well when we do get up, you'll have to clean up the sheets love." Niall said which caused him to be lightly elbow in the stomach.

"Niall is Harry in there with you?" Zayn asked while he knocked on the door lightly.

"Yeah." Niall said and Zayn opened the a few seconds with his eyes close then peek one open.

"Thank god I came a few seconds after you guys finished." Zayn said noticing the two lovers naked chest.

"Before you take another step, is it here?" Harry asked sitting up a bit with a raised eyebrow while Zayn rolled his eyes.

"He's at work and I was bored out of my mind so I decided to come hang out with my best friends." Zayn said then crossing his arms over his chest.

"We were cuddling but I guess we can make time for you." Harry said with a laugh as a smile came up on Zayn's face.

"How about lunch then?" Zayn asked and Harry looked at Niall who gave him a nod.

Niall and Harry got out of the bed at the same time flashing Zayn as they did so. They laughed as Zayn pretended to gag and walked out the room clutching his stomach. He watched in the living room as the to upstairs took a shower, cleaned the room, and got dressed. It took a total of thirty minutes for the trio to leave the house. The walk to the restaurant was nice definitely for Harry since he was hanging with his two favorite people in the world. He wrapped his arms around their shoulders and pulled them in close. He then kissed the side of their head softly. They didn't question it as they stopped at a red light and still went on with their conversation. They were use to Harry's random acts of affection. The trio crossed the street when it was there time to go then walked right in the restaurant. They ordered their food before taking a seat outside of the restaurant.

Zayn sat across from the couple and watched with a grin as they intertwined their hands. He took out his phone and took a quick picture of it which caused Harry to roll his eyes with a scoff. The two best friends caught up with each other while Niall used his free hand to keep himself on the his phone. The three hours the friends were there they made corny jokes, stole each others foods, told secrets, and playfully hit each other. Life just seemed to just get better for all three of them which they came to realize moments later when they were heading back to Niall's house. Harry had decided to get drunk since he had found that his home was fixed again even though he planned on moving in with Niall. He couldn't wait to live a normal life.




I noticed the closer it gets to the end the sapper the story gets. Like Harry just completely changed from how his personality was from before and I'm trying to find a way to bring it back without him seeming like Harry in TB. Just a heads up. Once DS ends, which is the last and long sexual story of mine, I will not be doing anymore sexual stories. They just don't really seem to interest me anymore. Its too common in my eyes.

Bye my Semiautomatic.💆🙅🙆

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