Questions Are Answered

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Why you breaking my nialls heart? You wanna fight me.
I'm not trying to break anyone's heart and no because I will most definitely win.

Do you like Niall?
Pfff what ew no he's a um nerd.

What made you not want a relationship?
I don't like people being all clingy and emotional with me.

Why do you want Niall so bad?
I do not want him.

Harry grow some balls and tell Niall you like him.
I do have balls thank you very and no I don't like your attitude.

Harry you are so fucking hot.
I know, looks like the sun has some competition.

Why are you being mean to my baby? Why do you wanna buttfuck Niall so bad?
He's mean to me so its only right I treat him the same. I don't want to fuck him I want him to fuck me.

If you want to fuck Niall so badly, why not just rape him?
That's just messed up on so many levels I can't even.

What about Niall turns you on most?
That he wants to have sex with me but won't admit it.

Would you like to have Niall to give you a lap dance?
No but I would be glad to give him one.

Go for it you couldn't mess up as bad as you have so stop being stupid.
Go for what? I have no idea what you're talking about.


Harry is scared forgive him?
Trust me. I know he's scared. I'll think about the forgiveness part.

Niall you sweet little princess why do you like Harry?
He's a cool guy under all that fuckboy bullshit.

Can you have my babies?
I'm not ready for kids yet and I kind of have my eyes set on someone else.

What's your favorite thing about Harry?
I really like his hair to be honest.

Do you like like Harry?
Not after what he said to me.

Why did you do the bet?
To actually help Harry break his little addiction for sex.

Touch meh plz?
I don't know you so no.

Why don't you give Harry a chonce?
If you haven't noticed he's really rude to me.

Do you have any kinks?
Yes but I can't tell you.

Why can't you and Harry get into a relationship? we wanna see the smut.
All these questions are the same so you should already know what I'm going to say.

How do you think Harry makes you feel?
He makes me feel annoyed and curious most of the time.


You okay?
Yeah why do you ask bud?

Are you and Liam serious?
I'm dating Louis so no.

Do you like daddy Liam?

Does Liam have a daddy kink?
I don't know you go ask him.

Do you ship Narry?
If that means Niall and Harry then yes.


How often does Zayn touch your bum?
A fucking lot mate.

I love your ass.
Thanks I love my bum too.


Fuck off Harry?
Um I'll have to say no so how about you fuck off.

Hey daddy.
Ummm hi.

How big is your cock?
That's personal information.

Dude back tf up its obvious the author isn't gonna write that you and Harry will live happily ever after. This is a Narry story. You are not gonna get Harry. But Ziam is cute.
Believe what you wanna believe little girl that's all I gotta say.

Why are you such a dick?
Why are you so rude?

Why do you keep messing with Harry even though he's clearly using you to make Niall jealous?
In the end Harry will see that I'm the right one for him instead of that nerd.


Who tf are you?
A guy Harry had sex with.

Why what?


Who's your favorite character in the story?
I would have to say Zayn, Niall, and Harry. I couldn't pick one because they all stick out in their own way. Zayn because he's still caring even though he's a bit pushy. Harry because he's just so sassy but emotional. Niall because he knows how to stand up for himself and very seductive.

I love you! Will you marry me?
I love you too and sure.

How do you get people to read your stories?
I just write what people are interested in.

You are an amazing author! I love all your stories.
Thanks love that means a lot to me but I'm not that amazing trust me.

What made you come up with the idea to write this story? Btw I love you!
Well most stories have them make a bet to be with each other or one of them just catches feeling while being a fake boyfriend of there's. And I just thought why not switch it up and have them come up with a different type of bet and hate each other guts but at the same time like each other oh and the song Fuck You Better by Neon Hitch spraked the same idea. And I love you too.

Give me some damn chocolate?
I don't have any I'm sorry.

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