Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Author P.O.V*

"You know its not very nice to make out with someone when you have a guest over." Liam said and Harry pulled away from Niall's neck.

"Hey I brought that new movie you wanted to see Harry." Zayn said coming in the living room before anymore drama could spark today.

"Zayn you shouldn't have." Harry said taking the DVD out of Zayn's hand and went over to the TV to pop it in the DVD player."I'll go make the popcorn."

"I'll come with you." Liam said making Niall glare at him making him smirk as he went in the kitchen with Harry.

Niall was about to go as well but Zayn put a hand to his chest and shook his head. Niall let out a puff of air before sitting down on the couch crossing his arms over his chest. Zayn sat down next to him and put a arm around his shoulder bringing him closer. Harry looked through the cabinets trying to find the popcorn. He was about to give up until he saw them he was about to get them but Liam grabbed it for him. He held it out to Harry who looked at him weird then put the popcorn in the microwave. He turned around to head back in the living room but Liam stood in front of him. His hands on the counter blocking Harry from making a get away. Harry crossed his arms over his chest wondering what Liam could want now.

"What Liam?" Harry asked and Liam shrugged as he looked at Harry's lips while licking his own.

"Just wondering did the nerd fuck you yet." Liam said and Harry shook his head while pushing Liam away from him."What he's scared, a virgin, or wants to wait till marriage?"

"No, we made a bet." Harry said turning around to open the microwave just as it beeped.

Liam shook his head before grabbing Harry's hips and turned him around before kissing him. Harry kissed back a few seconds later because hey he was kind of winning. He wrapped his arms around Liam's neck pulling him closer with a quiet moan. He was wondering if they could do a quickie right here right now. He felt bad though because he was slightly cheating on the bet. He only has twenty days left until he's being pounded into the bed. Then a question popped up in his head, why the fuck does he care? He doesn't care for no body feelings only his, Zayn, and his family. He pulled away from the kiss with a smirk on his face as he let his hand cup Liam's crotch.

"Still live by that park?" Harry asked and Liam nodded his head with a moan as he put his face in the crook of Harry's neck."I'll stop by tonight."

"I'll be waiting." Liam said before leaving the kitchen purposely messing with his zipper once he entered the living to have Niall clenching his teeth as he stared at him.

Harry came back in the living room eating popcorn with a smile on his face. He sat down between Zayn and Niall before putting his feet on the coffee table in front of him. He knew exactly what was going on and he was going to take advantage of it. He could feel Niall sit his hand on his thigh and got some popcorn with his other hand. Liam reached over as well his hand landing closer to Harry's crotch as he got some popcorn. Zayn looked at the three of them while shaking his head as Harry bit his bottom lip and looking down at Liam's hand. Niall looked down as well and he pushed Liam's hand away. He smiled up at Liam who rolled his eyes and looked back at the movie.

Zayn left to the bathroom and Liam scotted over so he was right by Harry who laughed at something that happen in the movie. Niall wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder and pulled him close almost making him spill the popcorn. Liam grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him making Harry spill a little bit of popcorn on the floor. Niall grabbed the bowl of popcorn and handed it to Liam then pulled Harry onto his lap and kissed him. Harry tried so hard not to laugh as he kissed Niall hearing Liam groan and dramatically clear his throat. Zayn came back and was about to head back to the bathroom but there was a knock on the door.

He mentally prayed that it was the person he texted as he went to go answer the door. He opened it to reveal Louis and he smiled while pulling him into a hug. Harry was quick to pull away from Niall's lips when he heard that all to familiar voice. He got off of Niall then went to the front door his eyes growing wide at the short boy hugging his best friend. Harry dramatically gagged and flopped around before clearing his throat and fixing his clothes. He could not believe that his enemy was right here in his house. He was definitely going to loss his shit in a few seconds. Niall came up on the side of him with a look of confusion seeing Louis with Zayn.

"What the hell is this midget doing in my home?" Harry asked waving his hands at Louis who groaned.

"Your friends with this tarzan look alike?" Louis asked looking at Zayn who scratched the back of his head.

"Am I missing something here?" Zayn asked and Niall let out a laugh with the nod of his head.

"These two don't like each other they had a little argument when they first met." Niall said and Zayn nodded before looking at Harry.

"Please don't start anything with him Harry." Zayn said and Harry gasped putting a hand to his chest.

"You should be telling that naked molerat that." Harry said pointing to Louis who about to jump on him but Niall caught him midair.

"Let me at him all I need is one good punch." Louis said squirming in Niall's grip making him hold him tighter."I'll pull all his fucking hair out!"

"Don't hate on perfection." Harry said flipping his hair back with a smirk as Louis growled."Why you mad?"

"God help us." Zayn said looking up at the sky with his hands closed together while closing his eyes.



For the new people who voted and comment I just want to say thank you for all of your support. It makes me freak out every time so from the bottom of my heart thank you. If you ever need anything I'm here for you so don't be afraid to ask me. Anyway looks like Harry is going to prove Niall right and give up the bet which is such a shame. Let's pray he doesn't and proves Niall wrong.

Bye my Unconditional.●○○¤○○●

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