He shrugged. "It's a gift. Think you can handle a game against me?" I thought about it.

"Sure. Let's make it interesting though. If I win, you have to do something for me."

"Okay, but if I win, you have to do something for me."


Soon, me and Aiden were playing basketball. We were pretty competitive. When the game ended, the score was 15-11.

"Alright. What is it that you need me to do?" Aiden asked me out of breathe.

I wanted to ask him about the strange things that has happened over the past few days. Everything started coming out of nowhere and I needed answers.

"What's the deal between you and Peyton?" I asked kind of awkwardly. Aiden's body stiffened at my question. Maybe I hit a sensitive spot.....

"Um....I slept with his sister, and when I told her to get lost, she was pretty upset so...that got Peyton upset too. Now he hates me." He said looking at the ground, but not from embarrassment.

I didn't like it when things were tense or awkward. I never know what to do so sometimes, I'll make random comments.

"Well you sleep with everybody, I don't get what the big deal is." I shrugged. Aiden chuckled; so low it was almost inaudible.

He looked up at me for a minute, I was getting uncomfortable under his stare. He opened his mouth to say something when my mom popped her head through the back door.

"Hey kids, I was thinking maybe you guys can go and pick up something for me." She batted her eyelashes. Yeah, she was that type of mom. The one that still held on to her teenage ways.

"Why can't you get it yourself?" I asked her.

"Because..........this could be good bonding time for you two."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah right.

"Sure. We'll go." Aiden smiled at her. I turned to look at him, with a confused look. He just winked at me.

"Great. I need you to go down to the school, and get my documents I left in my office." My mom worked as a counselor for our school. She's only there in the afternoons though, she works her other job in the morning.

I sighed. Me and Aiden went through the fence and down the driveway.

"Where's the car?"

"We're walking." Aiden made his way to the sidewalk and I stopped in my tracks.

"Absolutely not. I don't walk." I told him. He stopped and turned around.

"Corey, stop being a brat and let's go." I crossed my arms signaling that I wouldn't move.

"Excuse me sir, but there's no car, so I'm not going anywhere."

He rolled his eyes. "Corey, get moving or else I'll make you." I raised my eyebrows at him. He raised them back. I knew how this was going to turn out. I sighed in defeat and made my way down the sidewalk with him.

10 Minutes Later

"Aiden." I whined. I don't walk anywhere so walking somewhere as far as school, was not going for me.

"Oh my God Corey!" He half screamed. "Your making my ears hurt. For the love of God, please shut up." He whispered the last part.

We finally came across the school and we entered. "I need to use the bathroom, I'll catch up with you in a minute." He started to make his way when he turned back around. "Don't do anything dumb." He said it like I've done dumb things before. Okay maybe I have but still.....

I rolled my eyes and headed for my moms office. On my way there I couldn't help but notice that someone was in the gym. I approached the door, just wanting to see who was in there. I opened the door and there was Peyton lifting weights. When he saw me he stopped.

"Hey Corey. What are you doing here?" I walked further in the room.

"I'm just here to grab something for my mom. I thought someone was in here so I decided to be nosy."

He chuckled. "So tomorrow I was thinking you would want to hang out after school." He smiled at me revealing his dimples. Well Damn.

I'm not going to lie, Peyton was cute. He was more than cute, he was gorgeous. "Alright. What do you have in mind?"

"I heard your good at sports. What about me and you play one on one in basketball." I smiled because that was my favorite.

"Perfect. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I look forward to it." His smile grew.

I turned around and walked out of the gym with a smile still on my face. I was thinking about how perfect tomorrow was going to be.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Aiden's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up at him. "Nothing."

He gave me a suspicious look and then asked. "Where were you? I went to the office and grabbed the stuff but you weren't there."

"I saw Peyton so I stopped to say hi." I shrugged. Aiden gave me this look. I didn't even know what kind of look it was.

"Whatever." He mumbled. "Let's go."
I nodded and we made our way back home.



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