Undercover Princess Mia : Chapter Twenty Nine

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My head throbbed in pain as soon as I woke up. I was wearing light, white cotton shorts and shirt which the maids would have changed me into last night. Last night, I repeated the two words and sighed audibly.

I couldn't remember anything in particular as I sauntered towards the bathroom and splashed cold water over my face. I took a glimpse of myself in the mirror and scowled. Mascara was running down my cheeks like I had cried all night, lumps of makeup clinging to my skin as I woefully recalled that I didn't use makeup removal tissues. The maids hadn't bothered to clean me up and now the after effects was irking me.

My hair was in knots and had become rough, limp and stiff like I had used too much hairspray. I scrunched my nose as I peeled the clothes off my body. I smelled like crap. I stood under the shower for long minutes, running my fingers through the knots in my hair and scrubbing my face. I tried to recollect all that had happened yesterday and the cold water hit my body brutally which reminded me of certain parts of last night like cliff diving. And God, when I actually realized what had happened, I was thrilled yet horrified.

I recalled pushing my sleeve down, kicking my stilettos and strutting towards Noah with a cheeky grin and batting my eyelashes. Next moment, I was kissing him . . . Everything seemed obscure after that and then in my next memory, I was laying beside Noah and tracing his abs. What had happened between that time?

This couldn't be my memory, it was my fantasy and unbelievable. Convincing myself that everything was just my frivolous imagination, I wore a blue, polka dot summer dress. It reached till my mid thighs and seemed perfect for such a warm day. After treating my hair with tons of different products to retain it's golden lustre, I plopped down on my bed to just think more of what happened or the possibilities of what could have happened.

I did remember making fun of my mum when I arrived back after having fun with Noah. She would be very furious by now, beyond furious, losing her mind. I needed to know what exactly happened so I could apologize and make up to whatever foolishness I imprudently committed yesterday night.

* * *

Knock, knock.

"Come in," I permitted and glanced at the door. Anne barged in, toppled over the bed and hugged me tightly. I tried to pat her back, but was unsuccessful in doing so considering how she was smothering me. She soon realized that and pulled away.

"Amelia, you know what happened yesterday?" she chirped merrily.

I tried to share the same enthusiasm as her and asked curiously, "What happened?"

"It's Luke. Yesterday, we both danced together like there was no tomorrow. He's so handsome and smart . . . It feels like I'm already falling for him!" she said in a daze while dramatically clutching her chest.

"Oh, that-that's great. Where is Marya though?" I asked and she straightened her back.

"She went last night with Andrew somewhere, didn't come back since," she replied nonchalantly and I gave her an incredulous look.

"She's your sister, Anne! You can't just leave her with any guy in a place where she can get lost," I yelled and she snorted.

"Chill, she's not going to get lost anywhere. Besides she isn't with any random guy, she's with your cousin. Andrew seems like a nice guy too and I'm sure Marya is having the time of her life. How I wish Luke had taken me somewhere!" she sighed dreamily and I shook my head, reaching for my phone to text Andrew.

Where the hell is Marya? - Mia.

His reply came within a few seconds and I squinted at the screen.

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