Undercover Princess Mia : Chapter Eighteen

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I didn't go to school and I wasn't planning to go any time soon either. Besides, there wasn't any necessity for me to go. I was home schooled back in London and I was already ahead in studies compared to any other average, seventeen year old student.

Today, Katy and Jack had gone on a date to the town's festival and to make sure that I would be okay, they left the two bodyguards who I had met the day I came here and met Jack too. I still remember that creepy, bald, short bodyguard who had a mole on his left cheek - no maybe right cheek with tiny hair sprouting and---

Ew, I should stop.

Anyway, Katy looked absolutely stellar in her purple, short, sequin dress and smoky eye make up accentuating her cloudy grey eyes. Her hair was tied into a loose bun with a shiny, silver clip which made her soft, voluminous locks spill over the back of her head. It seemed a bit over the top, but after that festival they were heading towards a club so the outfit was appropriate.

Katy and Jack gave me a list of instructions to which I obediently nodded and then finally left. The two bodyguards were standing outside my house and since it was dark and they wore dark blue suits, I hardly thought that anybody would notice them.

Now, I was watching the corniest movie ever, 'The Notebook,' and eating macaroni and cheese. It was pretty weird that I could actually relate that movie to my life, well, at least to some point. Watching the movie didn't really help me much, instead I cried more than before. I had become such a crybaby as I curled myself in a ball and quietly finished off the food.

I licked the bowl clean with my spoon when suddenly, I heard a bullet fire.

Bullet? No! It would be fire cracker or something. It had to be.

However, I was pretty sure I heard a bullet fire. The sound was so familiar to my ears, the reminiscent of the past flashing back and I was immediately able to recognize it.

Oh good Lord!

I threw the bowl and spoon away to sit up. My heart thumped loudly against my chest and I quickly sprang to my feet when I heard the second bullet fire. This confirmed that I wasn't hallucinating.

I rushed downstairs not knowing what to do, sweat trickling down my forehead and my legs wobbling. I yanked open the door with trembling fingers and gasped in shock, obviously startled to see the body of one of my bodyguards mangled in a pool of bloody mess.

"So your highness, need protection?" The short, stocky, bald bodyguard gripping a gun smirked at me and I staggered back.

"Why did y-you kill him?" I asked in a shaky voice and his nefarious grin made my skin crawl.

"You still don't understand princess, do you? I'm the bad guy here. He didn't agree with me on kidnapping you, so all I could do was kill him," he said plainly and a feeling of nausea swamped me.

My eyes darted at the dead bodyguard. One bullet had hit on his shoulder, while the other deep in his head. I noticed a gun lying next to him and with my tottering fingers, I involuntarily bent down to pick it up. Suddenly, I heard one bullet fire right next to the the gun and I flinched, immediately withdrawing my hand.

"Do I look so stupid? Don't mess with me and don't you dare move." The short bald bodyguard pointed the gun at me, but I didn't care if I died, death would be a better option than getting kidnapped and then tortured.

With my worries of getting killed flying out of my mind, I turned around to hurriedly run back to the house, but I bumped into someone's solid chest. I swallowed hard and slowly looked up to meet Ethan's darkened, black eyes. I knew he would be behind all this as I tried my best to show my confidence and bravery by lifting my chin up defiantly.

"You have become quite fiery, princess," he remarked wickedly and his lips curled into a sinister smirk.

"This change is only for such worthless, ruthless jerks," I spat back with disgust and tried to run past him. He quickly grabbed my wrist in a vice like grip and dragged me towards the car. "Let me go! Let me go, you son of a--- "

"There isn't any use of screaming. You know that the entire town is at the festival," he stated through gritted teeth and I shuddered.

"Please . . . " I whimpered and begged him, but to no avail. He dragged me as I stumbled and did my best to free myself. I tried biting his hand, jerking my wrist or stomping his foot, but he was way stronger than I was and his grip just tightened painfully. My struggles were futile as I cried out.

"Your cries are like music to my ears," he said caustically and laughed devilishly.

He grabbed fistful of my hair and yanked my head back, inhaling deeply against my throat as his lips lingered and tears started rolling down my cheeks. As if he was suddenly appalled by me, he released my hair and shoved me roughly towards the car and my body slammed against it. He opened the car door and did his best to push me inside the car, but I wouldn't budge. I stood rooted while desperately clinging to the car door like my life depended on it. Ethan then tried to carry me, but I kicked him where it would hurt the most and he groaned.

"Sir, do you need any help?" the short, bald bodyguard asked and my throat went dry when I noticed that he had two more men standing behind him.

"No Donny, I'll handle her myself," Ethan dismissed him and Donny's grin broadened. "Princess, co-operate."

"Co-operate to what? Getting myself kidnapped?"

"Co-operate to be mine forever," he said without any hesitation and I cringed at his words. He pulled me towards him, detaching me from the door and placed a large handkerchief over my mouth and nose as I thrashed wildly. However, I knew exactly what I was supposed to do in such a situation.

I held my breath since I knew that if I would breathe, I would faint because of the chloroform in the handkerchief. I could easily hold my breath for a few minutes because I was a great swimmer, wasn't I? I went according to my plan and then acted like I was fainting, shutting my eyes and growing limp in Ethan's arms, easing my muscles and almost surrendering to him. Almost.

As stupid as he was, his arms around me loosened and then he gently stroked my cheeks while commenting to his men on how easy I was to which they laughed heartily. I clenched my teeth and inwardly showed my resentment since I couldn't afford to get caught. Ethan then gathered me in his arms and lifted me up, carrying me bridal style. Taking that as an opportunity, I quickly rolled down from his arms as he actually shrieked like a girl, beyond surprised to find me conscious. Everybody looked baffled as I bolted and picked up a gun from the ground. I clutched the gun so tightly that my knuckles turned white.

"Don't move or-or I-I will shoot y-you!" I stuttered miserably and mentally smacked myself for appearing like a coward.

"Oh, poor, little princess. Do you want to end up just like your sister? I personally don't want you to," Ethan said confidently after regaining his composure and my breath quickened. He walked towards me briskly with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, showing that he didn't fear me one bit and to scare him, I impulsively shooted at his foot. From the corner of my eye, I could see the men taking out their guns, but Ethan made them a gesture to not take it out.

"Your bravery is appreciated, princess," he mocked me while clapping his hands slowly. Then his nostrils flared in anger as his lips curled in disdain. "Do you think you can escape? Sorry to burst your little bubble, but you're all alone."

Suddenly, I heard a bullet fire and I meekly looked over Ethan's shoulder who too turned around stiffly. A bullet had hit one of the men right in his chest, blood seeping through his white shirt. Another bullet fired and hit Donny on his arm or somewhere else as he cursed loudly. I couldn't see clearly where since it was very dark. The two bullets had been fired so quickly and consequently that it had left all of was absolutely dumbfounded.

"Strawberry isn't alone."

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