Undercover Princess Mia : Chapter Twenty Seven

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The breeze continued to caress my bare arms as I was squealing excitedly. Even though it was cold, I didn't feel it. The warmth radiating from Noah and with me snuggling against him kept us both comfortable. It was like I was wrapped in a thick blanket during a chilled winter morning, it was all too cosy. Noah was holding onto me tightly like he would never let me go and always keep me safe.

I pulled my braided hair, shook my head and let my hair loose. My long hair started to fly with the wind and the sensations, hot and cold was overwhelming me.

"Strawberry, your hair-it's going in my mouth!" Noah shouted over the sounds of crickets, nocturine birds and the crunching of leaves under Prince Chair's steps.

Prince Charles, goddamn!

"Hmm, come on, don't be a dog in the manger," I whined and I could feel Noah trying to shove my hair away like he was fighting an intense battle, but due to the wind, it slapped him right across his face.

I laughed as Noah now held my hair in bunch and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his lips hovering over my skin and I tried my best to ignore as I kicked Prince Chair gently, so we were going faster now. Noah's grip around me tightened and I smiled satisfactorily.

"Would you like some manly advice on Prince Charming?" Noah said bitterly and for a second, I had to think who the hell Prince Charming was. Then I realized he was referring to Zen.

"What about him, Noah?"

"You know, sometimes the Knight in Shining armour is actually a retard in tin foil," he quoted some random quote and I stifled my laughter.

"You opened my eyes Noah, thank you!"

"Your very welcome," he remarked and I threw my head back and laughed hysterically like he had cracked some joke. I barely had any control over my actions because my head was spinning wildly.

"I guess you don't like Zen?" I teased and he grunted some profanities under his breath.

I giggled once again and kicked Prince Chair twice, indicating him to stop. Noah climbed down and offered his hand for help. I swatted his hand away and lifted my chin up defiantly.

"Remember the person who taught you polo on horseback," I said airily and hopped down. I tripped over my long dress, my heel stepping over the fabric and before I could fall, Noah held me in place. I jerked my body away from his touch and huffed.

I sat down on a huge stone nearby and reached for the sleeve of my dress to push it down.

"Whoa . . . Strawberry, what are y-you doing?" Noah stuttered in astonishment while gawking at me and I simply shrugged.

"Getting naked, can't you see?"

"Well, I can . . . but why are you doing this? You're drunk!" he said as if accusing me of some crime.

"You're drunk too. You will know soon, why I'm doing this. Now relax, Noah," I whispered seductively and got up. I kicked my heels smoothly and strutted towards him, swaying my hips. His blue eyes darkened and he pulled my sleeve up back to it's place before I could get out of the stuffy gown. I leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Are you gay or am I not attractive?"

"Are you sick, Strawberry?" he asked spontaneously.

"Answer my question first," I slurred, but my demand was staunch.

"I'm not gay and of course you're enticing. Your beauty is ethereal," he admitted coyly and I grinned smugly.

I shouted in his ear, "THEN COME WITH ME, QUICKLY!"

"Ow, why did you shout? You're not attractive anymore," he said tartly and I laughed, snorting in between.

I quickly held his hand and pulled him behind me. I had to nearly drag him since he walked slowly and hesitantly.

"Don't worry, I won't bite," I said playfully and he still seemed reluctant.

"I doubt you." I laughed again and quickly stopped in my tracks, causing my back to bump into Noah. "Now, what happened?"

"Look!" I pointed and he looked up at the moon while I was looking down in wonder.

"It's beautiful," Noah breathed while still gazing up at the moon. The night was so silent that we could hear the whisper of leaves rustling due to wind. It was a full moon day and the moon did look beautiful, but I wanted to show him what was below us.

"Not the moon. Look down, moron!"

"Ah shit . . . What the fuck?" he cursed and quickly backed away.

"Why are you scared now, Noah?"

"Huh, scared? Do you want to kill me? Jumping off the cliff into icy water which is metres down that too when it's dark? Sorry, but I'm not planning my funeral now," he elucidated firmly and I shook my head.

"Look I come here very often for cliff diving and for my swimming practise. It isn't much dangerous unless you hit a rock or something," I said and shrugged nonchalantly.

"See! That's what I was talking about, I can die, we can die!"

"Remember what you told me in the jet that you aren't scared of anything so why now?" I demanded and his lips pursed into a thin line.

His lips was ajar, then closed and then parted again. "We are drunk--- "

"Yeah, but this is fun! You'll feel so alive like you weren't made for existing, but actually living," I emphasized and he scoffed. "Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain."

"Quoting Mark Twain?" he asked and I coughed awkwardly.

"How did you know-look it doesn't matter. You are coming and that is final. We're both jumping, Noah," I declared confidently.

"So you'll push me off the cliff, won't you?"

"Maybe, come on, it will be fun!" I dragged him eagerly and we stopped at the edge.

He gazed at the sparkling water metres below us and his Adam's Apple bobbled. I watched him intently as he removed his coat and tossed it on the ground. He slowly unbuttoned his white shirt and I tapped my feet impatiently. His white shirt was also thrown down on the grass and I ogled shamelessly at his bare chest, my eyes squinting and zeroing on his abs.

"Wonderful sight, isn't it?" he asked innocently while gazing at the sky above and then the surroundings.

"Y-Yes," I stuttered while staring at his half-naked figure. "It's really a marvellous sight to see."


"Mmm?" I diverted my attention towards him.

"Did you change the plan of diving into the water?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No way!" I grinned and kicked my stilettos off. I decided to not wriggle out of my gown because Noah would get agitated again and lecture about us being drunk. He was the only drunk person I encountered who was fully aware about his state. I glanced at him and he was examing the water from above. He reluctantly held my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded. "But wait!"

"What happened? If you don't want to jump then let's go back," he mumbled and already started to back away.

"No! I don't mean going back or not jumping," I retorted and grasped his hand firmly.

"Then?" he questioned, his voice laced with disappointment.

"Do you know swimming?" I asked dubiously and he sighed.

"You asked very early now let's just jump!"

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