Undercover Princess Mia : Chapter Twenty Three

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I hurried towards Noah and caught him before he could fall. He was heavy, but I managed to prevent him in hurting himself. I held him in place, but then he pushed me away and staggered back.

"Noah, please let me . . . You aren't in a condition to take care of yourself," I said gingerly.

"Why did you come here, Amelia? No, wait . . . That's not your name, is it?" he asked in a mocking tone and tapped his index finger on his chin thoughtfully.

"Don't, Noah. I'm still Amelia--- "

"Right, Mia."

"No--- "

"Sorry, Princess Mia," he spat out in disgust and bowed respectfully, mocking me. "Why is a delicate Princess like you out on streets late night? Shouldn't you be at the palace happily manicuring your nails with ten thousands guards outside your room protecting your ass?"

"Noah--- "

"Why are you here?" he demanded while squinting his eyes at me.

"I'll tell you later, once you freshen up," I promised sincerely, but he shook his head.

"No, tell me now." His cold tone pierced through me and I swallowed a lump formed in my throat.

"I want erm . . . okay. I know you wouldn't actually come to England, but my dad wants to see you," I forced the words out and his eyes swept over me. He then slowly took a few steps ahead and I backed away. Before I could move a little more behind, his one hand snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His long, slender fingers caressed my cheek and my breath hitched. Our bodies were pressed together so close, my soft breasts against his hard chest and I could feel his hardness against me. I blushed deeply and averted my eyes towards his shoulder, avoiding his scrutinizing gaze.

"You know sometimes, strawberry, I want to just hold you and never let you go," he slurred as he tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear and lifted my chin with his index finger, so his blue eyes locked into mine. Then he continued, "Sometimes, I just want to do this."

He leaned and his lips hovered over mine. He reeked of alcohol and I was feeling dizzy even though we didn't kiss. Just him being close to me was what I wanted, but this wasn't good for either of us.

Suddenly his smile disappeared and he frowned at me, looking disturbed. "Although sometimes when you lie to me, I don't even want to look at you. I loved you Amelia, but you broke my trust. You just made things complicated for us."

My chest tightened and I felt a pinching feeling inside. I was hurt, but I didn't blame him. He had the right to hurt me even more after all my lies.

Noah's grip around me loosened and before he could fall right there, I held him. He had passed out and I sighed. I put his one arm around my shoulders and dragged him towards my house since I didn't want Carla to see him in this condition. Somehow I managed to drag him in successfully, after dropping him and myself along with him a numerous times. In this process, I already bruised my elbows and knees, but I hardly cared at that moment.

I managed to push open the door knowing that I had left the door half closed when I had left for Noah's house. The house was eerily dark and it was awkward to be with Noah in so much darkness though he was not awake yet. I quietly went inside and switched the lights on. I was caught off guard when I saw one of the maids sitting on the couch, wide awake.

"What are you doing here in the dark?" I asked in astonishment.

"Waiting for you, ma'am. Here, let me help you," she offered while getting up.

She draped Noah's other arm over her shoulders and as my shoulders were aching, she called the bodyguard who was inside one of the rooms to help us. The weight was lifted off my shoulders while the maid and the bodyguard took him. Looking at them, it reminded me of Jack and Katy and I my throat went dry.

"Should we take him to your room or . . . " the maid's voice trailed and I shook my head.

"No, put him right here on the couch," I said quickly because I didn't want Noah to think that something happened between us when he woke up.

"You can go now and sleep," I dismissed the maid and the bodyguard.

"If you need any help ma'am then tell us."

I nodded at them and then the bodyguard went towards his room, while the maid went towards the kitchen to squeeze lemons and make lemonade for me considering how I felt hot and tired.

I knelt down and gently smoothened Noah's dark hair. He was sleeping so peacefully, his long lashes framing his eyes and fanning over the curves of his cheeks. I studied his face for some time, admiring his features and then got up. I lifted his legs and sat on the couch to drop his legs on my lap. I would wake him up in an hour  so he could go back home. I quickly called Carla from my phone and told her that Noah was at my place and he would come soon. Surprisingly, she didn't mind at all.

* * *

I woke up when the morning sunlight streaking through the curtains delicately touched my skin. My shoulders were aching and then I realized that I had slept on the couch itself. Noah was gone and a soft blanket was wrapped around me.

"Good morning, ma'am," the maid greeted and bowed.

"Yeah morning," I murmured while rubbing my eyes and yawned. The maid smiled at me warmly and my eyebrows knotted in confusion.

"When did Noah erm . . . that boy from last night go?" I asked curiously.

"He went soon after you slept. I brought you lemonade, but you were already sleeping. I didn't want to wake you up, nor was he keen on waking you up so we left you sleeping here," she replied and smiled apologetically.

"Do you remember him saying anything?"

"Not anything in particular ma'am, but yes, he left this." She fished a note out of her apron-pocket and handed to me. I gingerly unfolded it and it said :

"Coming to England."

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