Undercover Princess Mia : Chapter Seventeen

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I looked down and saw Noah climbing on the pipe swiftly and I gasped in shock. He had already managed to climb half the way effortlessly and was now on the slippery part, struggling to push himself upwards.

"Noah, go away," I whispered meekly and he stared at me. All I wanted to was just hug him, but then I remembered Uncle John.

"I want to talk to you. I want to know if you are okay."

"I'm okay, alright? Now please leave." I may have sounded rude, but that didn't stop Noah from making his way up.

I sighed audibly and walked away from the window quietly.

"Hey, where are you going? Help me up." I could hear Noah's deep rich voice whisper-shouting from a distance. I ignored it and entered the bathroom to quickly fill a bucket with water. I carried it or rather dragged the heavy bucket towards the window.

"Glad that you came back, now help me up--- "

The moment he looked at me, I lifted the bucket and poured the water over him, emptying the bucket. He went sliding down the pipe and landed near a cactus plant, barely missing it and thorns poked at his back. He groaned in embarrassment and pain. I started giggling cruelly looking at his expressions. It was funny and I couldn't control my laughter.

His eyes crinkled and he smiled at me, to which I abruptly stopped giggling.

I put on a stoic façade and said tartly, "Hope that will make you leave."

"Strawberry, at least listen to me for Christ's sake! Damn it, woman!" He yelled and I halted in my tracks. "I saw Jack entering your house and that's why I couldn't come straight through the door, he isn't very fond of me you see. Besides, Katy wasn't keen on welcoming me in either."

"If that's all you wanted to say, then good night Noah. Sleep well," I wished him in a mocking tone, praying that my rude behaviour would make him leave and I once again turned to walk away. However, I immediately froze when Noah shouted something which made me stop in my tracks. His words stabbed my already bruising heart and the pain seared through my chest.

"I know that you know my father!"

I blinked back my tears and pretended not to understand anything. I shut my eyes and quietly listened to his piercing words, my fists clenching and unclenching.

"Tell me, Strawberry! I want you to tell me the truth!" His voice was so demanding, cold and dangerous which made me flinch in my place.

My eyes fluttered open and I whirled around to stick my head out of the window and yelled back, "Rubbish, Noah! I don't know anything! I don't know!"

"Don't lie! I noticed in all the trophies and medals that my dad's name was written only as Henry, none had his middle name, 'John,' in it," he pointed out and I immediately slammed the window shut. I couldn't stand, my legs wobbled like jelly. I managed to drag my feet till the bed and plumped on it.

There was silence or maybe I couldn't hear what was going around. Maybe Noah went back, I did see this day coming, didn't I? The day when Noah got suspicious of me and soon found out the truth.

* * *

"Wake up, Amelia. How are you feeling today?" Katy's glowing face hovered over me.

I rubbed my eyes and mumbled, "Uh-yeah . . . Where is-is Noah?"

"It's okay, calm down," she said softly and hugged me. I couldn't even remember when I fell asleep last night. I held Katy tightly for a while and released her when she admitted coyly, "I heard what Noah said yesterday."

"You did? I didn't know what to do or heck, I still don't know what to do."

"Today's a new day, start fresh. Do you want to go to school?" she asked and I scratched my chin thoughtfully.

"I think I should go, yeah. It will distract me from my thoughts."

* * *

The moment I stepped out, I saw someone standing right outside the gate of our house. I gingerly took steps forward and saw none other than Noah. I didn't expect him to be standing out as I blinked at him rapidly. He was leaning against his car casually, one hand shoved in his pocket and the other hand texting someone on his phone. Suddenly, he looked up at me and I couldn't meet his eyes, so immediately I averted my gaze towards my sneakers.

I was feeling so guilty of lying, moreover of killing his father. I didn't  cry today nor did I feel like crying  because all I felt was numb. I would never forgive my dad for sending me here out of all the possible places on earth. Why did he have to send me near the son of the person I murdered?

I heard Noah clear his throat and this brought me back, back to his world. I had to face him in the school anyway, didn't I? I stopped fidgeting with my crisp skirt, straightened my posture and walked ahead briskly. My chin was pointed high up, but not in the direction of Noah. My plan was to brush past him without acknowledging his presence.

My plans always seemed to fail.

Before I could walk past him, Noah grabbed my wrist and pushed me towards him roughly. My back was pressed against his chest and his strong arms wrapped around my waist firmly, while I struggled to move away from him. His hot breath fanned against my neck as his lips lingered over a sensitive stop. My heart thumped against my chest loudly and my breath hitched. I croaked, "Noah, please let me go . . . I-I want to go."

I tried to shove his body away, wriggle out of his strong arms, stomp his feet, smash his toe or . . .

Maybe kill him too?

No! I continued squirming, pushing and kicking, but to no avail. He was way stronger than I was. If it would have been some other time, I would have loved to stay there with Noah forever, but I couldn't. I never could since I ruined Noah's life. I didn't want to hurt him anymore.

I inhaled deeply and stopped struggling. "You want an answer, but I'm sorry, I really am. I can't tell you anything."

He didn't say anything for a while and then  I snapped, "Fine! You want an explanation, right?! I'll give you one--- " 

Suddenly his grip loosened and he whirled me around. I shuddered when my eyes locked into his deep blue ones, our lips merely inches apart. His arms instantly wrapped around my waist, pulling my body closer to him until I could feel every part of his body hard against mine. My hands were weakly placed on his chest and I could see them tremble. He tucked a piece of my wig hair behind my ear gently and smiled ruefully.

"I don't want an answer, Strawberry, I really don't. All I want is you."

My eyes widened in surprise as I shook my head frantically and fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

"N-No . . . " I stuttered and clutched his shirt while sniffing softly. I should stay away from Noah, it was for the best of everybody. This way nobody would get hurt and everyone would be at peace.

Suddenly, I pushed Noah away with all my might and he released me to back away. I took this as an opportunity to run straight inside my house. I didn't even glance at him once. I sprinted upstairs to my room and quietly peeked at him through the small gap in between the curtains. He was still standing there as he longingly looked up at the window and I immediately pushed the curtains to step back.

His voice kept ringing in the back of my head. "All I want is you."

Undercover Princess Mia | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon