Chapter 22

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Arieth couldn't sleep. She was tossing and turning in the uncomfortable bed in the cottage. Thranduil was laying on the ground in the other room. They had gone hunting earlier to find something to eat. The hunt was a success, and they had a small feast when they came back. She smiled while thinking about Thranduil. She was glad she had met him. Because she knew it had to be him.

Her mind wandered back to a conversation she had overheard. The reason why she was on her own. The reason why she had escaped. Her parents were talking about her, that she was old enough and the only one for the "task". They wanted her to marry someone from another elven city, to unite the two kingdoms. She was so shocked when she heard what was going on behind her back, that she left in such a hurry, not knowing who the ellon was or what city was to be united with her own. She only had her horse and weapons, nothing more. Just a necklace, a token, of what she was, and where she belonged.

She knew Thranduil had to be the ellon her parents were talking about. And now that she knew that it is was him, she couldn't tell him who she was. Not yet. Now she could get to know him, to see if she could like him. Well, she already liked him, but if she could like him some more, or maybe even... Love him.

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