Chapter 12

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Thranduil ran as fast as he could, heading back in the direction of Greenwood. He had heard of a wizard named Radagast the Brown, who lived in the great forest. It's been said that he's very knowledgeable with birds and beasts, so maybe he could help heal Malhtaug. It was quite risky to go back, his father could have sent out riders to look for him, but he would rather risk going back, than leave his horse for death. He and Malhtaug had a close relationship, it was like his horse understood him. He used to go to the stables to talk to Malhtaug when he was having a bad day, or a good one. They had done a lot of hunting together, and a great deal of fighting. Why they couldn't prevent this accident with the warg troubled Thranduil. Maybe he should have asked his friends, Damrath and Hamlith, to have come too?

He realized he woudn't be able to find Radagst before nightfall, and he needed to find a place to rest and hide from the dangers lurking. He decided to not make a fire or sleep on the ground, so he climed a tree and found a comfortable place to sleep. He was very worried about Malhtaug. Had someone found him? Did enemies smell the blood coming from his wounds? He looked at his hands, tightly wrapped in some pieces of fabric. He didn't have much to help Malhtaug with, just some water and a cloth. He hoped it was enough till he returned with help. If he could find any help.

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