Chapter 15

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Thranduil woke up the next day by Malhtaug nibbling on his hair. He had slept by his horse all night since Malhtaug was in to state to move yet. Radagast the Brown had healed him well, but the horse needed the night to rest. "Feeling better?", Thranduil asked. Malhtaug got up on his feet to show that he was feeling much better. "That's great!", Thranduil smiled and got up too. "We gotta drop by Radagast and thank him on the way home. If we're going home", he said to his horse. "Let me put some of this balm on you that he left for your wounds". Thranduil had thanked Radagst the day before, but he wouldn't accept anything for the "job" he had done. He said it was his pleasure to help animals in need.

"Are you ready to deal with the river?", Thranduil looked at Malhtaug. They were standing by the water. The horse nodded slightly. "All right, let's find a place to cross it". They walked for a while before they found something that looked like a road in the river higher up the stream. Big stones was lined up all the way across it. Malhtaug couldn't walk on them, but Thranduil could, while leading his horse in the water beside him. They managed the crossing quite well. "Looks like we're finally gonna reach Fangorn today", Thranduil said. He was happy about that. He really wanted to take cover in the old woods.

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