Chapter 6

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Thranduil set out on his adventure, leaving Greenwood the Great behind. He wasn't quite sure where to go, he just kept on riding till it got dark. He stopped in the outer rim of the forest to rest for the night. He was thinking about places to see, and where he could go. He did not want to visit Rivendell or Lothlórien if they happened to be one of the kingdoms the elleth lived in. He also had to stay off the road, so if his father sent out guards to look for him, he would be more difficult to find.

He stared into the flames of the fire he had made. He felt sad he had to leave in such a rush. Maybe it was foolish of him, but he panicked. To be tied down was not something he could accept. He wanted the same joy and happiness his parents had before his mother died. He wanted to look at his wife the same way his father did; utterly spellbound my her love and beauty. He deserved that, and so did the unkown elleth.

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