Your lips are so hot. I mentally said as I zeroed in on them.


My mind snapped back to reality and my eyes focused on his confused ones. Damon was now leaning away from me and as much as I wanted to soak in his beautifully naked upper body I couldn't. His left eyebrow was cocked so far up that I was afraid it would soon be part of his hairline and I froze as I saw the accusatory stare.

"What?" I stuttered out.

"What?" He asked again and my heart kicked up a notch.

"I didn't say anything." I whispered and I felt my body starting to shrivel up.

Damon takes in my obviously frightened face and my body which has already taken up the defensive position, awaiting his onslaught of punches.

"I'm not going to hit you doofus." He states with a smile and I blink up at him as he once again leans towards me.

"What?" I whisper shocked, still on alert for any sign of torture.

"I know you're gay, I'm just glad you finally admitted it... Though you could have done it differently. Pre confession of love and all."

"I didn't confess to love!" I blurt out and Damon smirks again as he braces the wall near me.

"So you do admit it."

"I-I-" that's all I stutter out as I became lost for words.




I watch as he gets off my bed and heads over to his side of the room.

"Wait! That's it? Hmm? That's all you're going to say about the matter?"

"What else do you want me to say?" He replies bored and I watch as he grabs his towel.

I suddenly feel angry for no reason at all. For two years I've been terrified of him finding out I'm gay since he always gave me so many reason to believe he hated the thought of it. The amazing triple D's were all the campus spoke about; they dominated girls, the fields and classes and sad to say they were somewhat bullies. I mean how can you not be when you're the most popular group on campus.

All the girls wanted them and all the guys wanted to be them.

I stormed over to him just as he was about to head into the shower. "Hold it right there mister. You need to explain yourself! For two years I've feared you and this conversation and yet you want me to believe that you're suddenly okay with me, with this... What? Are you gonna rat me out to the entire school and have the twins beat the gay outta me? Is that it? Because-"

My heart did a power slam as I was pushed roughly into the door that Damon was moments ago holding onto. His eyes were hard and expressionless and one of his hands were rolled into a fist as his other was roughly grabbing onto my jersey.

This is it. This is the day I die. The day I finally decide to utter I'm gay is the day it all ends. Goodbye world, it was nice knowing you.

I squeezed my eyes shut as his face came closer to mine and I prayed that death would come quickly, I couldn't stand to go through pain. But it didn't come, instead, the only thing I felt were firm lips as they crashed against mine.

My eyes flew open and I stared dumbfoundly at the boy in front of me. Damon's eyes were closed and his lashes were splayed beautifully on his cheeks.


Damon was kissing me?

In an instant all thoughts were erased from my mind as his mouth forced mine apart and his hot tongue gained entry. I moaned like a stupid little girl as his hands entrapped my waist and my own wrapped around his neck. He pressed his body flush against mine and there was no denying how much he was enjoying this.

I groaned loudly as I pressed my own hardening erection against his just as his teeth grazed my neck. I never dreamed that Damon would ever tolerate the idea of me being gay but now, I can't think of him ever being straight.

My eyes shot open as I felt his hand on my most private of places and my heart stopped as I saw his wicked smirk.

"I love you doofus." He says as he strokes me.

Before a word could be uttered from my lips he increases his actions and I groan loudly as I feel my body tightening. Just as I'm about to release in his hands my entire body is flooded with water.

I shoot up from my bed, my eyes wide and everything around me too bright.

"Wakey, wakey doofus!" Damon shouts as he drops the bucket onto my stomach.

I grimace from the weight and wipe my eyes as he and the twins walk out laughing. I groaned as I dropped back to my bed.

Great, Monday is here.

Turning The Straight Player Gay. (Book One.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat