Chapter Two

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Sara's POV:
Before Sam pulled out of the driveway he plugged his phone into the aux playing 'Exchange' by Bryson Tiller. That song played until we got to Johnson's house. It was already clean and Maddie's hummer was still there meaning the whole crew was there. I practically ran into the house. "God damn it Johnson, you let me out of the house high?!?" I screamed running into his kitchen knowing he was in there along with the rest of them. He was laughing when I looked at him. I glared, "Why have I never met Sammy either because guess what! I woke up in his god damn house!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air taking the coffee right out of Johnson's hands and drinking it. "I deserved that." He said going to make another cup. "Good morning guys." I said. Sam comes strolling into the kitchen laughing because he heard me. "Oh and by the way. I know I'm cute." He said, my face turned bright red. "Fuck you." I spat at him. He just shook his head and walked to sit next to Skate. Maddie looked at me, I nodded and she knew. "Oh look at the time we gotta go. Maddie said grabbing her purse off of the counter and grabbing my arm. "Bye assholes, Gilinsky and Skate." I said then followed Maddie to the car. "That bad huh?" She said getting in the drivers seat and starting the car. "Yeah." I said looking out the window. "I'm gonna drop you off and I won't see you till tomorrow because I'm going to look for an apartment." She said. I nodded, "You better not smoke in it." I said, "I won't when I get high I'll stay with you or Gilinsky." She said turning the street. We stopped at the gates outside my house. I got out of the car grabbing my phone from the cup holder. "Text me when your done." I said waving at her as she drove down the street. I typed in the password and watched as the gates opened slowly. After I closed them I walked straight to my room and blared my music and got in the shower.

After I finished my shower I put on spandex and a crop top and walked to my kitchen. After making myself some lunch I was going through my Instagram feed when I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: It's Sam

After changing his name I responded.

Me: yes?

Sam🖕🏻- Johnson was wondering if you would want to go to a club later.

Me: why wouldn't he text me?

Sam🖕🏻- Because you were pissed when you left.

Me: yeah... Sorry about that.

Sam🖕🏻- are you coming or not?

Me: I'll be over in an hour

I got no response after that. I ran up to my room putting on skinny jeans with a white muscle tee and French braided my hair. Adding my white converse and mascara I grabbed Johnson's sweater and put it on grabbing my purse and phone. After starting my Black 302 boss mustang.  I plugged my phone in the aux and started playing 'Make Me Proud' by Drake. I pulled into Johnson's driveway and Sammy, Gilinsky, and Skate got in. "I'll be sober driver. I had enough fun last night." I said tossing my phone to Johnson so he could dj.

We finally arrived at the club and as soon as I shut off the ignition Johnson, Gilinsky, and Skate were already half way to the entrance door. I grabbed my fake id and walked slowly behind them.  Then I realized Sam wasn't with them. He was beside me. "Are you gonna go drink or?" I said trailing off hoping he would finish. "I don't know." He said. I shook my head and handed my id to the dude who was standing by the door. He let me and Sam in and we picked a table to sit at. "So. Tell me about yourself." Sam said taking a sip of his water. "I don't know what to say. I'm a pretty boring person." I said looking down at my arms. Where faded scars lie. Sam clears his throat. "Well how old are you?" He asked. I switched my gaze from my wrists to his brown eyes. "I'm 17 almost 18. How about you." I said. "19 almost 20." He said, I nodded. "Is that all your gonna do? Be awkward and shy around me?" He said smiling. "Because I'm awkward." I said, "You weren't awkward last night." He said smirking. I glared at him. "Shut up. I'm a teenager. I get high, I get drunk, then I sober up and repeat." I said looking away. I only do those things for one reason though. Because I'm not wanted.

"Ok I'm ready to go home." Johnson said stumbling up to me. Skate and Gilinsky followed smoothly behind him. "Let's go." I said throwing a ten dollar bill on the table. I helped Johnson to the car and made the three guys who were intoxicated sit in the back. I let Sam dj from his own phone as I head to Johnson's to drop off the Jacks'.

After dropping everyone off it was just me and Sam. We were listening to some old song from ACDC. "So. The statement you made earlier. What did it mean?" He asked as I pulled into his driveway. I put the car in park then looked at him. "It means I'm shattered and there's no fixing me. Bye Sam." I said. He took the hint and got out of my car. "See ya Sara." He said. Then I watched him walk into his house giving me one last glance before his blond hair disappeared behind the white door. I backed out of my driveway and drove home in silence. Life is just life. Sometimes it isn't important. It only really matters when you have someone who actually mattered.

The next morning

My bedroom door burst open and I already had a good idea who it was. "So I got my apartment." She said laying down next to my in bed. I groaned and rolled over. "What does that have to do with me." I said clutching the blankets in my hand thinking she was gonna take them from me. "That you should get your lazy ass up because people are waiting downstairs." She said getting up. I groaned fixing my hair then walking downstairs. Johnson and Sam were sitting in my kitchen. "What do you want." I said. Giving Jack a dirty look for bring Sam to my house when I've only known him for 2 days. "We were just bringing the stuff I owed you." He said pulling out a Walmart bag out of his pocket. I shook my head at him then snatched it out of his hands then started walking towards the garage because I don't want the house smelling like pot. "Coming?" I asked. Maddie got up a started walking and so did the boys.

That night

I groaned rolling around in my bed almost laying on top of someone. I screamed and someone groaned. "I'm trying to sleep." Someone groaned pushing me off. "And so am I but there's  someone in my god damn bed." I shouted turning the lights off. Then I saw who it was. "What the Hell!" I said getting off of my bed and laying down on the floor. "Now you turn the lights back off." Then I slowly drifted to sleep again.

I woke up to my curtains being opened. "Get up." Said a deep voice. I flicked Sam off and he just chuckled. "Why were you in my bed?" I asked, "Because you asked me to be." He stated. I shook my head getting up and walking to the shower. "I'm pretty sure Johnson's downstairs making breakfast because I smell food. I'll be down in a half an hour." I said slamming my bathroom door shut to make it obvious that Sam had pissed me off. I mean he was good looking but that's not the point. I climbed into the hot shower trying to regain my energy back from screaming.

After my shower I slipped on some black and white adidas sweatpants with  an adidas sweatshirt and braided my hair. I grabbed my phone off of the charger and walking downstairs to see Sam and Maddie sitting at the table, Jack was at the stove. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I heard Johnson say. I groaned at him. "So what even happened last night?" I asked. "You got high and asked Sam to sleep with you because you were scared of monsters." Maddie said laughing a little. "How come when ever I smoke just a tiny bit of pot I get high!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "Maybe because your the size of my 13 year old sister." Maddie said. I glared at her and she just shook her head and laughed. "Anyway. What's happening today. I really don't feel like getting high so that out of the options." I said, "Damn I was hoping to tap that." Sam said, I looked at him "I'm about to slap you. Shut the fuck up." I said looking back at Johnson for help. He was basically my older brother. He set breakfast in front of me. "We could always go house hunting for you. I mean you got enough money to buy a nice house and I think it would be cool if we all lived together." He said, "But I really don't want to hear fuckboy Nate." I said, Johnson shook his head. "It will just be us four." He said. I looked over at Sam who was smirking at me. "Fine. But nothing official yet because I'm still 17." I said.

What do you think?? I hope you enjoy this chapter it was probably one of my longest chapters that I have ever written.

Twitter: amber_caylen

Stay Beautiful🌺
Stay Cloudy☁️
Stay Amazing💙
Amber logging off✌🏻️

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