Chapter Nineteen

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Sara's POV:
                       I woke up in a cell with three other people. I only knew one of them. "What happened last night?" I asked Johnson who was laying next to me on the ground. "We threw a party." was all he needed to say. "Is anyone coming to get us?" I asked, I felt him shrug. "I'm pretty sure they aren't even awake yet." He said, I chuckled. "That is a very valid point." "They made me carry you in since you passed out. Dude why isn't your head hurting. You we're completely wasted." He said elbowing my side lightly. "My head does hurt. But I've been drunk enough to know how to deal with it. That is why I'm laying on the floor." I said. "Touché." He said.

Sam's POV:
                       I woke up with a startle. Some one was in my bed. But I couldn't see who it was because there was a pillow in between us. I really don't know if that's good or not. I moved the pillow to see a sleeping Maddie. Jumping out of bed I realize I was fully dressed which was  a huge sigh of relief, but where's Sara. "Maddie. Get up lazy ass." I said. She groaned flicking me off then sat up. "Have you seen Skate?" She asked, I shook my head. "I just woke up and I can't find Sara." I said, Maddie burst out laughing. "Do you not remember what happened last night?" She said still laughing. I looked at her confused. "Well. First of all. I don't remember shit from last night that's why I'm standing and your still in my bed. But what is so funny that happened last night." I said, my face dropped, "Please don't tell me we had sex." I said, She shook her head quickly. "Oh hell no. Your hot but your not my type. Sorry Sammy. Anyway. Johnson and Sara got arrested for underage drinking last night and you said you were to tired to go and I said I couldn't find Skate and that I couldn't drive home. But instead of you telling me to go stay in Sara's room you showed me your room then separated us with a pillow. Damn your a loyal drunk." She smirked. "I'm pretty sure Skate passed out in the pool." she added getting up and exiting the room. "Arrested?" I mumbled under my breath. Quickly I changed into different clothing and brushed my teeth. "Maddie I'm leaving!" I shouted grabbing Sara's purse and Johnson's wallet then sprinted to my car and starting it as soon as I could.

Sara's POV:
                        Sam came into view with a police officer. Jack and I stood up. The officer opened the door for us not saying anything.

"Thanks for letting us get arrested." I said buckling the passenger seatbelt. Sam snorted then chuckled. "You know its kind of hard to come get you when I'm wasted. Then I would be in jail too." He said pulling out of the parking lot. "So. How destroyed is our house?" Johnson asked from the backseat. "It's actually not bad." Sam said turning a corner. "Sam. You didn't grab my phone." I complained. He just shook his head and pulled into our driveway. "Well. We should get started on cleaning." I said, I climbed out of the car and headed inside. Maddie and Skate we're still here. I could tell because their cars were in the driveway along with Gilinksy's who was probably still sleeping. I walked through the door to see Maddie and Skate already getting to cleaning. I started picking up cups and beer bottles. "Well. Did the party rock?" I asked, "As soon as you got arrested they kicked the people out. Thank god we had drugs in the back yard." She said bending over and picking up a blunt. "But other wise I thought the party was pretty fun." I nod throwing away the things I had in my hand. "Well I'm gonna go shower." I said turning on my heel and walking upstairs to my room.

I have never showered so fast in my life, I thought as I was brushing my teeth. "Sara?" I heard someone call my name. Peeking my head out the door from the bathroom I noticed it was Sam. I waved then continued brushing my teeth. "I was wonder. You know. It's been almost three years of us dating." He looked away. "Would you want to look for a place together?" I quickly spit out my tooth paste in the sink then rinsed it. "Like live with you? Just me and you? No one else." I said quickly. He nodded sitting on my bed.

"These are really nice places but I don't think I want to go look at them yet." I said, "I like this one. 5 bedroom 4 bath. It has a nice master bedroom." Sam said pointing to the words. "I think. We should get a big house with a big back yard. I want to grow plants." I said, "Weed." Sam muttered under his breath and started laughing. "NO! I want to grow flowers and vegetables." I said punching him playfully in the shoulder. "Ooh. How about this one." I said pointing to the bottom one on the screen. Remembering my building bank account because my parents put a lot of money in it and I haven't used it in a while. "The price seems reasonable. It's just down the road too." I said. The house was really beautiful. It had a large backyard with a swimming pool. 6 bedroom, 5 bathrooms. A basement and two other floors. The garage looked large for Sam to have his friends over. "I think it's perfect." I said, Sam looked at me smiling.

"So what did you think of the house tour." Missy asked. She was way too cheery. "I loved it. Sammy?" I asked looking at him. "I loved it too." then we looked at each other then back at Missy and said "We'll take it" at the same time. She nodded "I'll go get your paper work you guys talk about the financials." Then she walked to her car. "How fast do you think we could move in?" I asked, "Well she said the family was eager to sell. She also said the family would be out next week. So next week I'm guessing." He said, nodding I looked at the beautiful house that Sam and I would be moving in together in a week or two.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. There's only one chapter left. So thank you so much if you read from the beginning to here I really do appreciate it.

Twitter: amber_caylen

Stay Beautiful🌺
Stay Cloudy☁️
Stay Amazing💙
Amber logging off✌🏻️

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