Chapter Nine

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Sara's POV:
My emotions were out of control. Screaming at me. Yelling. Telling me I'm not good enough. That I'll never be. It's sad to know that a lot of people suffer from this god damn disorder. I've tried everything. But nothing works. Honestly. I didn't try to commit suicide. I just was. I'm not even going to go there. "Alright Miss. Zak, you are not to leave the house. You are still going to graduate. But you have to stay home until next Tuesday." The doctor said helping me into Johnson's car. I nodded then buckled up. My breath hitched as I moved my stomach. "Why?" I heard Johnson's voice. It sounded full of pain. So raspy and quiet. "Why did you do it?" I didn't answer, I didn't want to look at him. Tears were already falling out of my eyes and I couldn't bear to look at his which were probably blood shot and full of tears as well.

The car ride was silent. Jack pulled into the driveway and parked the car, pulling the key out of the ignition after doing so. I slowly climbed out limping my way to the house. For the second time this month. I felt arms wrap around me, Jack's arms. He supported me through the door and up the stairs until I sat on my bed. After he helped me get dressed he brought me my medication, a heating pad, and some coffee. "Good night Sara." He said, "Good night Jack. I love you." I said. "I love you too." Then he walked out turning the lights off. I had my bedside table lamp on and pulled out my phone.

Me: Hey
Sam🖕🏻- home?
Me: yeah.
Sam🖕🏻- ok be right over.

Seconds later Sam came strolling into the room. He looked like shit. Sam engulfed me in a big hug. I took a huge breath in, the sent of Sam filled my nose. "Don't ever leave me." He whispered running his hands through my hair. "You're my best friend. I don't know what I would do with out you." He said, his voice cracked. I scooted over in bed and he climbed in. I snuggled close to his bigger frame. "I'm sorry Sammy. My head gets the best of me. I'm just not good enough. I don't deserve to be here, and you definitely don't deserve someone as horrible as me." I whispered. "First of all Sara, You are the strongest person in the world. You see those scars. Yeah that means a part of you broke, but it's healed. If we're going to be honest. It's me who doesn't deserve to even look at you because of all the hell and torture I have caused you. Sara. You are a wonderful person. You're beautiful, funny, smart, and you're so sweet." He said squeezing me a little. "Now I want you to rest. Good night Sara." He said. Then he turned the light off and pulled the covers over both of us.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. It was quiet in the house. I sat up and groaned clutching my stomach. "What the hell did they do?" I mumbled. Sam came sprinting into the room. "Are you ok?" He asked. He pushed me back on the bed. "Your breakfast is being made. Johnson's making it." Sam said. I nodded while closing my eyes. "Why didn't you just let me bleed out?" I said in a soft voice. "Sara," He said softly "why would I do that? You mean so much. Look at that tattoo you and skate got. Johnson, Gilinsky, and I went and got the same one." He said holding out his wrist. There was the same tattoo that I had. "I'm coming up with breakfast!" I heard Johnson yell. Sammy kissed my stomach and each of my wrists before opening the door for Johnson. "Good morning sunshine. I have Gilinsky picking up ur homework and shit for the next week and Skate is at Starbucks." He said. I shook my head. "You guys don't have to do this for me." I said, "Yes we do. We're proving to you that you are wanted and needed by people on this planet," He stopped to take a glance at Sam. "and we love you." He said. "Now eat your breakfast." Sam said before turning on my tv and walking out with Jack not far behind him.

Sammy's POV:
Sara was in the hospital the whole weekend. I remember Saturday when she wasn't awake yet I couldn't take the pain anymore.

The club lights were everywhere. I made my way to the back where the strippers were. I had ordered two beers and was currently carrying one in my hand. My head hurt. My heart hurt. I needed Sara. I needed her. But, because of me. She wanted to leave this earth. I walked up to a blond girl, long just like Sara's. "Can you dance." I asked. "Yeah but not for you." She said softly, the words hit me like a brick. "I'm guessing you have a girl somewhere. That's why you're not drunk and you don't have strong liquor. So I'm not able to give you a dance. Go talk to the girl. Then, When your single. Come back and I might consider that dance." I smiled at her then thanked her. I threw my beer away and sprinted towards my car.

I laid in my bed on my phone. Bored as hell just remember that night. Not everyone does that too you. For all I know she could've let me get wasted then did the deed with me, but she didn't. Now that is one high quality stripper. I groaned sitting up from my bed and walking downstairs to the porch. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I saw Taylor pull into the driveway. Andrea in the passenger seat. He waved and got out. "Sammy boy. How you doing?" He said giving me a bro hug. "Not to well." I said taking a large hit off of my cigarette. Andrea went right inside while I sat down on a chair. "Let me hear your problems Samuel." He said. I shrugged. "I don't know. I've know Sara for almost a year. I mean we're good friends. I've sent her to hell and back but I think I'm developing feelings for her. I mean like every time she calls me Sammy, I feel something in my chest. But it's probably pathetic. She probably doesn't like me the same anymore." I said. "Anymore? You mean she told you she liked you?" He said. I nodded. "Yeah. Right before we went to the party and my ex kicked her butt." I said looking away. "Well I'm sorry to tell you this Sam, but you might have to wait until she's better to tell her how you feel. Because she has been through hell and back and I think it would send her anxiety levels to the heavens." Taylor said. I mean, he had a point. Sara has been going through a lot. "Thanks Tay." I said patting him on the back then getting rid of the finished cigarette. I walked inside and saw Sara laying on the couch. My heart started to thud in my chest. I hope no one could here it.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This was just a filler so I apologize if it was extremely boring.

Twitter: amber_caylen

Stay Beautiful🌺
Stay Cloudy☁️
Stay Amazing💙
Amber logging off✌🏻️

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