Chapter Fifteen

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Sara's POV:
"Wake up bitch." A familiar voice said as a bucket of water was dumped on me. My body ached and my head hurt as I opened my eyes and looked at the brown haired devil. "Good morning." He said suddenly with a sweet voice. I stayed silent. "Your gonna do some work for me." He said. He kneeled down and untied my legs and wrists. He yanked me up and dragged me towards a jail looking thing. "Your going to pack the drug, into the container." He said shoving me harshly into a cell then shutting the door. "Breakfast will be served never. 3 cups in every bag." Cameron said then walked away. "Sara?" Someone whispered. I looked around. "Sammy?" I whispered back. "Yes." He said. I signed in relief. "Where are you?" I saw movement across the hall. The faint lighting showed me Sam's blond hair sticking up in several places and circles under his eyes. He held up a bag and showed me how to pack it. Silently he mouthed I love you then walked back into the shadows. A tear fell down face. I picked up the bag and I started packing.

Jack Johnson's POV:
"GILINSKY!" My raw voice ripped through the house. The brown haired kid I called my best friend sprinted down the stairs. "What? Your yelling like you got murdered." He said, his eyes wide. "Sammy and Sara are missing." I said, "I assure you they're not. Maybe they're at a bar, or smoking, or hell even at a party! Don't you know how those two work?" He said crossing his arms. "Yes. I do know how those two work. If they receive a text message from me they always reply. No matter how drunk or high and for the matter of opinion. Before they leave the house. They tell us where they're fucking going. And the last time I remember Sara and Sammy got in a fight which means something happened because he sprinted out of the house three days ago saying he was going to get Sara. They still aren't home." I rambled. Jack's arms fell to his side. "Cameron." He mumbled. "What?" I asked again. "Cameron. Sammy and Sara always get they're drugs from Cameron and they always pay what they owe. But Cameron would be the only dealer who would want to kidnap such loyal customers if he was mad at someone else. Jack did you pay for your last pound of coke?" "Yeah? Why wouldn't I? I don't want to be shot." He said, "I paid for mine to. Maybe we should go looking for them." I said, "Oh hell no. Not tonight." He said, "Why not?" "Jack think about it. Cameron is the most wanted drug dealer. He has killed thousands. And we have nothing to fight with right now. I don't want to be stuck in a room with him and his minions without at least an AK-47. And I think I know where to get a few with lots of ammunition.

A few days later

I tucked the handgun into the waistband of my pants and took a deep breath. Jack and I sat in our car a few blocks away from Cameron's mansion. "Are you ready Johnson?" He asked, "Do you have the gun for Sam?" I asked, He pointed to the gun in his waistband. "I think I'll stick with this." he said indicating to the powerful gun he held tightly in his hands. I nodded shutting off the car and opening the door. "Ok. Lets ok." Gilinsky said after he quietly shut his door. I followed behind him. Trying to be fast and quiet at the same time.
We finally had reached the door. Gilinsky peaked into the opening. He signaled me to move behind him as he raised the gun and looked through his sights. He signaled It was clear then walked in. We had located Cameron's cell area where he probably has Sara and Sammy. He probably put them to work. "Welcome boys." I stopped dead in my tracks. "Well, well, well. Isn't it the Jacks coming to save they're best friends like the heroes they want to be." Cameron came into view. Guys circled around us. "Now I suggest you drop the weapons." He said raising his own gun, "Or I kill you." His eyes suddenly got darker. Jack set down the gun he was holding in his hand, "Now. I know you guys aren't stupid and would only come in here with one. So I can either have my guys search you or you can set down what you have hidden in your waistband." He said putting his finger on the trigger. I pulled the gun out of my waistband and stepped away like Johnson did. "Good. Now get them out of here." He waved his empty hand and stuffed the gun back into the holster that he had it sitting in that was attached to his belt. At least four of the guys came walking towards us. I just stood there. Not wanting anyone to touch me. As soon as he tried to grab my arm I punched. I kicked. And I screamed. I would not go down without a fight. Gilinsky did the same. But sadly. The gun fell out of his waistband. One of the guys picked it up and hit Gilinsky in the jaw with the butt of the gun. Still moving I tried to get out of the two guys grips. I wiggled in their arms like a mad man until they both dropped me. Before I was able to get away one kicked me in the gut, the other put a foot firmly on my stomach making it so I couldn't move but I could still breathe. "Now. We can get going when you calm down." One of them spoke. I just laid there. Breathing heavily and feeling hopeless.

Sara's POV:
Gilinsky was thrown into the cell next to me. "I'm sure you know what to do." One of them said in a deep voice. He pointed to the supplies Gilinsky had around him. Gilinsky didn't say a word. He just nodded and accepted the fact that he failed to rescue us. I set the cutting board on my lap and dumped a block of the drug on it. Then chopping it with the nice I made it into powder and put it into a plastic bag. I set it in the tote that they came and collected every night before they gave us a piece of bread and a bottle of water. I kind of gave up on trying to escape. I have had two attempts and both of those attempts gave me punishments of whipping. I was forced to wear a sports bra and spandex that barely covered my ass. I had no boobs so what did it matter. Suddenly a screaming Johnson was dragged into the room. "You can't make me!" He shouted, but Cameron was the one dragging him in. "HEY!" Cameron shouted at him throwing him in his own cell. "If I hear another peep come out of you, I will whip the shit out of your precious girl. It's already happened more than once. I am not afraid of you." Cameron spat at Johnson. "Well guess what pretty boy." Johnson spat at Cameron. "I'm not afraid of you." Then the door was slammed shut and mine was opened pretty quickly. Cameron grabbed me by the hair causing me to screech as he dragged me out of my cell.

I hope your enjoying the book so far. I don't know if you would really call this ending a cliff hanger but. What ever. Comment what you think is going to happen.

Twitter: amber_caylen

Stay Beautiful🌺
Stay Cloudy☁️
Stay Amazing💙
Amber logging off✌🏻

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