Chapter Eighteen

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Sara's POV:
I was already four beers under grinding on Sam. Sam had a tight grip on my hips with his head resting on my shoulder. "Your really hot when you grind." He whispered then I don't know what it was but I pulled away and burst out laughing. "Sorry." I said trying to look innocent at him. He shook his head than went and bought me another beer.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. We had a very beautiful young lady that turned 21 tonight. So come up here Sara!" I looked at Sam and punched him. Then stumbled up to the stage almost tripping on the stairs. "Happy birthday. Is there anything you'd like to say before your present comes out?" He said. "Well. I just turned 21 and I don't care if my birthday was yesterday. I will celebrate it until I turn 22." I said laughing then a man came out with a drink platter with four drinks on it and three shots. I smiled and grabbed the shot glass raising in the air. Everyone started yelling "chug, chug, chug." I smirked and chucked the shot of mysterious liquor. The crowd cheered and I set the shot glass back where I grabbed it from.

"Uhhhh." I groaned throwing a pillow over my head. "You drank so much last night." Sam chuckled shutting the curtains and holding a glass of water out to me with Advil in his other hand. I reached out and grabbed it then took the medicine. "You can't blame that on me!" I said pointing a finger at him. "You guys forced me to go. You know I have social anxiety ass." He nodded and laid down next to me in bed. I snuggled up to his naked chest and he wrapped his arm around me. "I think I'm gonna sleep for the rest of the day." I said. "I can live with that." He whispered in my ear.

Two months later

I stood up out of my bed and walked towards my bathroom.  Sam has been on tour for two months. I told him I didn't want to go. Maddie and I have been spending a lot of time together. Well Sam and Skate were on tour together. After my quick shower I went downstairs and waited for Maddie to come over. Then as if she was reading my mind my phone went off.

Maddie💕- hey. I can't come over anymore. Someone came to visit me. Sorry for cancelling

The boys weren't  supposed to be home for two weeks. I bet it was her mom. After a bit of thinking then I responded.

Me: it's cool. We'll hang out later

I shut my phone off then walked over to the cabinet to grab some breakfast then I heard the door open. Ignoring it because it was probably Gilinksy and Johnson. Suddenly arms wrap around my waist and I recognize the smell of his cologne. "Sammy!" I scream turning around and wrapping my arms around him tightly. "I missed you so much baby." He said picking me up and setting me on the center island. We just sat there hugging for a while. "How was tour?" I asked. "It was fun but if you came with us it would've been better." He said. I played with his hair. "I'm so glad your back." I said smiling at him. Then Johnson walked into the kitchen holding his phone. "Ok quit the PDA. Sara. Name five shoe brands." He said pointing at me. I laughed "Nike, Adidas, Fila, New Balance, and" I said laughing "converse." He laughed then walked out of the room satisfied. I looked at Sam laughing then hugged him again. "So. What are we doing tonight?" I asked, he put his hand on his chin and hummed. "What do you want to do?" He asked resting his hands on my thighs. "Well. We could go see a movie or go out to dinner or have a party! OHH! We should have a party!" I exclaim. "A party? I thought you quit smoking." Sam said. "No. I just don't smoke as much as I used to." I said. "JACK!!" I shouted. Then both of them came running into the kitchen and in unison said "Yes?" I looked at Sam and laughed. "We need drinks and some drugs. Can you do that?" I asked. They looked at each other then nodded. "Ok. Party starts at 10. Invite all that you know. Sam and I will clean up and get a dj or something." I said basically telling them to go away. Apparently they got the point because they walked out of the kitchen and I heard the front door shut. "I'll go to Walmart and get some food and cups and shit." I said jumping off the counter. "I'll find a dj."

Later that night

As soon as people started arriving it started getting crowded. I didn't think this party would be such a hit. "Hey." I said as Sam came up with two red cups in his hand. "This is yours ma'am. Let's get wasted." He said handing me the cup. I grabbed it and took a big gulp. The burning sensation of the alcohol kicked in as my eyes started to water. "Where's the blunt?" I asked half joking. "Oh. Thanks for reminding me." He said. "I honestly didn't think you had one in your pocket." I said taking another drink from my cup and watching him light the blunt.

Johnson and I were center of attention. I can't even remember why. I just know he was taking a body shot off of me while I was taking one off of Sam. Then I heard sirens. Quickly I pushed Johnson off and stood up. My head spun as the door was burst open. "Police! Hands up!" A firm voice said as a gun was pointed at me. I dropped the cup I had in my hand. I'm pretty sure everyone in here was legal besides me, Gilinsky and Johnson. Before I could think a pair of handcuffs were tight around my wrist and I was being shoved in the back of a cop car. "How old are you ma'am." One of the officers asked. "2-21." I said trying not to giggle as he checked my pockets. "Let me ask you one more time. How old are you?" He asked. "19." I slurred. He nodded then shut the door. Then I closed my eyes everything went black.

This is turning into a short story. Because I can't think of anything continue it. I don't want to give you a long and crappy book. So I'm hoping my next book will be a little longer but who knows. Short stories aren't that bad.

Twitter: amber_caylen

Stay Beautiful🌺
Stay Cloudy☁️
Stay Amazing💙
Amber logging off✌🏻️

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