Chapter 63 - Hiding feelings.

Start from the beginning

She started folding more clothes, and packing them away. Michael sat silently, as he looked at his shirt. "Call me when you land" He then spoke up. "I'll skype you when I get to the hotel." She smiled and nodded, before zipping up her case.

"I'll wish you all luck for your show" She walked over to him. "Is everyone still downstairs?" He asked. "I think so..." She nodded. She walked to the door, and Michael followed her. He put his shirt into his room, before the both of them walked downstairs.

Voices became louder sounding like bickering and disagreement. Tori and Michael frowned at each other.

"Whats going on?" Michael asked as he and Tori walked into the lounge.

"Ashton thinks its unfair we're leaving." Hanna rolled her eyes. "Wait what?" Tori asked. "I'm leaving, not you" Tori nodded. "We told you Tori, we cant stay here. We'd love too, but we cant!" Spencer told her. "Please, go just now..." Luke sighed, as he drunk some water.

"Oi, shut up! Before I give you a fat lip." Hanna told him. "As opposed to your big mouth?" He asked. "Enough!" Ashton told the both of them. "Oh your a fucking dick!" Hanna cursed as she stared daggers at him. "If your going to fight, just leave!" Luke told the girls, holding his hand out.

"Luke!" Calum warned him. "All I've had over these past weeks is you three judging me! Judging what we do! There's the door, fuck off then!" He shouted. "Thats it!" Michael walked towards him, but Tori grabbed him back. "STOP!" She shouted.

"Thats fucked up, and uncalled for man" Ashton told Luke off. "Shut up, all of you!" Tori repeated. "Look at us! Once a group of friends, at the beginning of this end it on a fighting match! Enough!" Tori told them all off.

"I just think its crap. It would've been cool having you girls coming with us. Tori's leaving, we didnt want you two to leave as well" Ashton spoke softly, before shrugging. Luke scoffed. "He better shut up!" Hanna whispered, pissed off. "I'm not shutting up for you!" Luke told Hanna. "Then bring your girlfriend! I'll happily slap her for you!" Hanna turned to face Luke.

"Your such a conniving, spiteful bitch!" Luke stood up. "Oh, thats rich! Coming from Mr cocky ego with the weed problem!" Hanna laughed mockingly. "I dont have anything! It was one time!" He shouted. "Yeah, and I'm the fucking fashion designer in Paris!" Hanna shouted. "Go back to your boyfriend! He's down the road...whore" He tutted as he turned.

"Hanna!" Spencer quickly spoke up, but Hanna had already jumped onto Luke.

"Holy shit!" Michael gasped. "Hanna!" Ashton jumped up, but Calum rubbed his hands on his face.

"You fucking asshole!" Hanna shouted, as she punched into his shoulder. "Get this fucking psycho off me!" Luke complained. Ashton, and Spencer pulled her from him. "You've changed! You deserve to fucking go bust!" She struggled in Spencer's and Ashton's grip.

"See what I mean?!" Tori shook her head. "No one asked you, so butt out of it! Your leaving, you should've stayed gone in the first place" Luke hissed. His eyes, looked different. A mix between anger, and a stranger. Tori stared at him.

"What?  Are you going to hit me now?" Luke asked. "More water?" He mocked. "He's off his fucking head!" Hanna screamed, as Ashton carried her out the room and into the kitchen to cool off. "Thats enough Luke! Shut up!" Calum shouted. "Dont ever speak to her like that" Michael warned him. "And there we have it! Her little puppy, following and sniffing her ass wherever she goes!" Luke scoffed.

Michael saw red. The next thing everyone in the room saw was Michael fist flying towards Luke, before hitting him right in the face. "Ashton!" Calum jumped up. Luke hit Michael back, they fell onto the floor.

"Fucks sake guys! Your supposed to be friends!" Calum grabbed their shirts. Tori grabbed onto Michael, trying to pull him up. "He's not worth it!" Tori told Michael. Ashton appeared, as the two rolled around on the floor. "Stop it!" Tori told them, as she pulled onto Luke's shirt. He they got to their feet, Ashton pulled onto Luke as Calum pulled Michael.

Waving his arm around, Ashton moved his head for Luke's hand to slap Tori right on the face.

The room fell silent.

Luke stared at her, his eyes widened before Michael cracked up! "How fucking dare you!" He shouted, but Calum held him back.

"Oh fuck" Luke gasped. "I' sorry. Tori" Luke told her. Tori sighed, as she moved her hand from her cheek as she stayed quiet. "You and I...are finished" She told him calmly, before walking over to the sofa. "Im sorry! I didnt mean it..." Luke rushed over to her. "Dont touch her! Leave her alone" Michael told him, as he managed to calm down and stand himself.

"Luke, I think you should...leave her alone" Spencer told him. Luke sighed, as he shook his head. His feet scrambled to the door before he opened it and left.

"Are you okay?" Spencer sat next to her. "Hanna, get her some ice please" Michael sat on the other side of her. Calum and Ashton stared at each other, asking themselves did that just happen.

Tori, sat shocked.

Uh ohh...whats going to happen?  ~ Chez x

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