Wedding Bells

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The next morning I stood alone in my room looking at myself in the mirror. I did my hair and makeup all by myself. I decided it was good enough and gathered my belongings and headed to the small chapel where Seth would be waiting for me. I called Seth and placed the phone on speaker in my lap.

S- "hello gorgeous I hope your not getting cold feet on me."

I could tell he was smiling and I couldn't help but smile at the loving tone in his voice.

H- "not yet but the day is still young." I chuckled

H- "so whose all coming."

I was hoping his answer was better than mine. He sighed

S- " I got Roman to be my witness but seriously no one else was free today. I'm sorry Heather I tried."

H- "no it's okay I understand I have no one not even a witness and Dean won't even answer my calls. I need Anna to be there with me baby I dont care if no one else shows as long as she's there."

S- "call him again. I'll call Roman and see if anyone else is around to be a witness this will all work out I promise."

With that we both hung up. I tried Dean again. No answer. I began to cry from all the frustration it was like god was sending me a sign not to do this. I pulled over and scrolled through my contacts. My finger hovered over Renee number. I sighed out loudly and connected the call. Right before I was about to give up and hang up she answered

R- "Hello?"

H- "oh my god. Hi Renee it's Heather I'm Anna's mom."

R- "yeah I have caller ID what do you need?"

H- "do you by any chance know where Dean is please Renee it's super important"

There was silence on the the phone. Then his raspy voice filled my ears.

D- "yeah." he sounded annoyed

H- "Dean I need Anna for a few hours please."

D- "Heather are you crying? What's wrong?"

H- "nothing I'm fine I just need my daughter please bring her to the holiday inn. In Tampa like now."

D- "alright. Bye"

He hung up.

I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally things were looking up.


I was now staring at my reflection in the door length mirror. I had my dress that's been through a failed engagement already on and it was just as beautiful as I remembered. There was a light knock at the door.

"Come in" I called out and a young worker stepped inside.

"Wow I so love that dress on you" she smiled

"Oh and there's a man and a little girl outside here looking for you."

"Please send them in" I smiled back

Soon after she left the door re opened and in ran Anna followed by Dean.

"Mommy!!!!!!! Look at you mommy so pretty" Anna hugged my leg and I picked her up and held her close.

"My sweetheart here I brought your dress too. We gotta hurry mommy is getting married in less than an hour."

"Would you like me to leave?" Dean said in almost a whisper.

I looked up into his big blue eyes that usually were hard to read were clear as day right now. He was upset.

"Dean I'm sorry I didn't tell you why but I was afraid if you knew why you wouldn't bring Anna."

"You honestly think that little of me? That I would purposely keep our daughter away on your wedding day. Heather come on I deserve a little more credit than that." he said his eyes not breaking away from mine

I got Anna dressed and ready. Dean took a few photos and then a lady came and look Anna go Seth.

"10min and we will be ready for you Miss Smith." an employee said.

I sighed and smiled. The nerves began to surface. I started to pace the room.

"You sure this is what you want?"

I jumped hearing his voice. For a second or two I forgot he was still in the room.

"Don't start this. Don't say another word." i glared at him

"So I'm not allowed to talk?" he smirked

He knew what he was doing. I couldn't allow him to mess with my mind not today.

"Dean I'm seriously shut up!"  my tone increased but that only made his smirk grow larger.

"it's pathetic really, how much I wish it was still you and I in the end."

"No No No don't you dare I told you to shut up. Why Dean why do you always have to go and fuck with my mind seriously let me go. You have Renee and I have Seth we need to stop with the blame game and the head games okay it all ends here."

We both gazed into each other eyes for what felt like a lifetime. I could see and feel the want and desire in the air but it was too little to late for Dean and I.

"I really fucking care about you Heather." Dean sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Dean.....I'm getting married."

"I'll be your witness. If your sure this what you want"

I look into deans eyes and he was like the was silently begging me to change my mind.

"I'm sure this is what I want."

He looked down and sighed.

"Alright I'll see you out there I guess" he brushed his lips against my cheek and left.

His smell lingered and I closed my eyes reflecting on sweet memories of him and I. After awhile I opened my eyes and smiled. I was finally ready to let go and move on with my life.

I walked down the aisle towards Seth. He was smiling from ear and ear I couldn't help but blush. Dean Roman and Anna were sitting front row watching us. It was at that moment I realized I didn't need 100s of people or a big fancy venue to be happy. Being here marrying Seth and having my daughter watch was all I needed.

Seth took both my hands and looked loving into my eyes.

"Heather, this has been a long time coming hasn't it? So much has happened from the moment I met you to the moment we are sharing right now and I can honestly say you are worth it all. Your worth the effort and the heartache. Your worth the love and the laughter. I stand here today asking for your hand in marriage and asking you to please never give up on me. Don't ever leave me just be there for me through thick and thin is all I ask of you. I love you always and forever."

With that we kissed. Roman Dean and Anna stood up and clapped. Everything turned out imperfectly perfect and I wouldn't have had it any other way. 

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