Wine and Dine

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Raw had just under an hour left before the end of the show. I went to go change for my date with Corey since Renee and I were finished for the night.

I brushed my hair and touched up my Smokey eye makeup. I stripped out of my clothes and slid into a mini cream colored tight mini dress. I was struggling with the zipper when I herd the door open. My back was to the door but I knew it was Renee I think were the only two who are completely finished for the night.

"Oh my god Renee perfect timing I need you to zip me up please" I begged

I felt warm hands touch my skin. I closed my eyes and sucked my tummy in. Then in one swift quick motion the dress was zipped. I exhaled in relief.

"Thanks! Your a pro at that" I spun around and smiled.

My smile slowly slipped away as I see the person in front of me. It wasn't Renee. It was Dean.

He smirked at me

"Actually that was my first time zipping up a dress I'm usually the one unzipping them. I'm a pro at getting a girl out of her clothes" he winked and headed over to collect Renee's suitcase

"What are you doing in here?" I questioned

He held up Renees bag as if it were obvious. I mentally slapped myself in the head for asking such a dumb questioned

I turned around stared in the mirror fixing my fly away pieces of hair. Behind me I can see Dean watching me. I turned around and our eyes met. He took a step in towards me and I took a small step back. He smirked

"You seem uncomfortable Heather.... Do I make you nervous?" he smiled his cocky smile.

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed

"No I'm just keeping my distance."

The chuckled and continued to stare at me not breaking eyes contact.

"Don't you think your a little over dressed for a bar?" he asked


"Your going out with Corey tonight aren't you?"

I nodded not understanding where he's going with his.

"Have you ever herd of Corey going out anywhere with a chick besides a bar?" he looked at me and my heart sunk

Was Corey honestly going to take me to a bar? Out of the 4 years I've known him he's never once actually gone on a nice date. Does he even know what a nice date is? Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

The door swung open and in walked Corey in a nice tux he looked great it was hard not to smile widely at him. He returns the smile and quickly wrapped me up in his arms.

"Man. Im speechless" Corey smiles down at me breaking our embrace.

"Really? It's not too much?" I smiled nervously feeling like an idiot if he was planning on taking me to a bar when I was clearly over dressed. But wait he's in a tux There's no way were going to a bar. Are we?

"You look absolutely absolutely amazing Heather. I planned something I think your going to love"

I let out a sarcastic gasp.

"Corey graves planned a date?" I smirked at him

He chuckled and rolled his eyes

"Let's go before I change my mind and just take you to a bar!"

We both laugh and head out of the room. We pass by Dean on the way out and I completely forgot he was still in here.

We were driving and all my attention was on my nerves and this date. What if it doesn't work out? What if I don't feel anything for him? What if I like him and he doesn't like me? Am I really willing to throw 4 years of friendship out the window for this?

Corey grabs my hand waking me up from my own thoughts I look down at our intertwined hands and look up at Corey and smile.

"What are you thinking?" he asks and I sigh

We pull up to the hotel and I raise my eyebrow at him Which he doesn't seem to notice. We get out and he leads me inside and to the elevator. What was he doing? Are we just going back to his room? A million things ran through my mind and I couldn't stop the thoughts that were flooding through my brain.

We reached his door and before opening it he gave me a quick smile. I weakly smiled back. He opened the door and in the middle of the dark room was a little fort lite up by little lights drapped over it. Under the fort was a little lap table with dinner a rose and a bottle of wine.

My hands covered my mouth in surprise it was so beautiful I wanted to cry. I looked at Corey and wrapped him up in a big tight hug.

"So does that mean I did good?" Corey laughed

We sat down across from each other and I couldn't stop smiling at how cute this was.

"Corey Its perfect" I continued to take it all in.

He exhaled loudly as if he was holding his breath

"Good there wasn't many choices in this city this late at night and I wanted to make sure regardless of how the night went that you at least will have a good memory from tonight.

I smiled wide at him and returned the smile.

We ate and laughed for awhile. We both finished our food and almost all the wine. I was feeling tipsy and sleepy and reading to call it a night.

"Well I fly back home tomorrow morning since they dont need me till Monday so should be going."

I went to stand up and Corey quickly got up to help me. I stumbled a bit as the wine rushed throughout my body. He laughed and helped me stand.

"Do you want me to walk you to your room?" He asked.

"No I should be fine" I walked out the door and into the hallway

"Heather" Corey called making me spin around and smile up at him


"Goodnight!" he smiled

I smiled back

"Goodnight Corey"

He shut the door and I slowly walked back to my room smiling about our date. I got to my door a few doors down and went to open it and sighed remembering he didnt kiss me. Or even hug me goodbye. Did he not feel a romantic connection with me? I opened the door and locked it behind me. I didnt bother turning on the lights of changing I threw myself down on the bed with my head racing through thoughts of the night before I exhausted exhausted myself and went to sleep.

The last thing running through my mind. Was I liked him but did he like me? 

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