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I arrived in Ohio dressed to kill. I was wearing a black sexy mini with my long dark hair flowing. I figured if I was getting dump or reuniting with Seth I was gonna look great either way. I made it to the hiltop hotel lobby the girl at the front desk refused to tell me what room Seth was in. I tried calling but his phone was off lovely I sat waiting in the lobby for him to show.


I took up from my phone to see dolph smiling at me. I stood up and hugged him

"Zigs! Long time no see"

"I'll say!! Hey where's my girlfriend?" he laughed

I chuckled and rolled my eyes

"Anna is with her grandparents. I'm suppose to be meeting Seth here but his phone is off have you seen him?"

"Yeah he's at the hotel bar with some people. Come on I'll bring you over."

We walked to down the hall to the hotel bar and we spot him with a few others sitting at a table. Eva that red headed woman was clinging onto him clearly drunk. As we apporched the table Seth and I made eye contact.

"Your here?" he stood up in shock and hugged me tight.

"Why wouldnt I come?" I asked as broke the embrass

Seth put some cash down on the table.

"That should cover Eva and I. Sorry guys but I gotta go this lady calls."

They all say goodbye and Seth takes my had and leads me to a private section of the bar. We sit down at a table and he hands me a menu.

"Are you hungry?" he asked flipping through his menu

"Starving actually" I respond opening mine.

A waitress came and took our drink and food order. After that we just look at each other for a few minutes I could tell he had already had a few drinks in him.

"So you and Eva is she all part of the thinking process?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed

"Heather she's just a friend. Like I've told you before she's married."

"Is that why you had to buy her drinks and she was clinging onto you for dear life Seth?"

"She left her wallet in the hotel and shes drunk I can't be held accountable for her actions?" he started taking a tone with me.

"You could have removed yourself from the situation seth."

"Damnit Heather what do you want from me? To marry you and hide out in my room all day and not socialize with anyone of the opposite sex?"

My jaw dropped. Seems like Dean really isn't the problem here. It seems like Seth has his own issues he wasn't talking to me about.

"Seth I want you! I want to marry you. I want to start a family with you. I want you to answer my calls I want you to be smart enough to know the difference between a girl being a friend and a girl trying to flirt and make a move on you. I want things to be like they used to be. I want you to care for me like you used to be I want you to be present in my life just as much as you were when we first got together."

He looked at me with his bloodshot brown eyes. I needed him to give me answer I couldn't take this waiting game any longer.

"Heather...... I... Oh boy... I just don't know I can give you all that I'm on the road all the time so I can't always answer your calls and kids..I never even thought about after marriage comes kids. I'm at a good place in the carreer right now that kids just don't fit into."

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