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When we got to my house Seth could hardly contain his excitement. We went in and I locked the door, the second after that I was pressed hard against the door with Seth trailing kisses all over my neck. I closed my eyes and moaned lightly as his rough facial hair grazed against my soft soothe skin.

He lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom. I giggled as he aggressively through me down onto my bed. He removed my dress somewhere along the way and was now was taking my stocking off slowly. After he dragged them from my hips down to my toes he looked at me with a lustful look in his eyes that sent chills through my body. He grabbed my arms and I sat up on my knees. I looked up at him and he smirked at me placing my one hands on his member. I stroked him lightly and smirked back up at him. I knew what he wanted. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down.

I began to bob my mouth up and down his hard erection. He tangled his hands in my hair and was moaning my name. When I knew he was close to finishing I got up and pushed him down onto the bed. I seductively crawled on top of him and he, without hesitation grabbed both my breasts in his firm hands and began to massage them I closed my eyes and arched my back in joyful bliss. After a few moments couldn't handle the temptation anymore and I ajusted myself and slowly slid him inside me. He both moaned at the returning feeling of being so close to one another.

I started out slow and steady and then with every motion began to increase my speed. I rode him faster and faster with both of us coming close to an explosion of pressure.

"Heather I'm so close go babe go go don't stop"

"You like that baby?" I smirked

He closed his eyes and arched his hips so he went deeper in me. We both finshed together filling the room with moans and heavy breathing. Once everything was all done I slowly moved my body from on top of him to his side. We both laid there grinning from ear to ear panting like crazy trying to catch our breath. After a few minutes we were both out like a light.

The next morning I woke up smiling I rolled over and noticed no one was laying beside me. I quickly began to panic. I threw the covers off me and looked all around my house for Seth. I knew I wasn't dreaming. I know for a fact it was all real I woke up in my bra and panties but also I awoke with a giant rock on my finger. I went back to the bedroom to call Seth. No answer. I began to panic some more. My Twitter notifications was going off every few seconds like crazy. I decided to check it out. People were tweeting about Seth being engaged and I began to wonder why and how everyone knew already. Then I went to his page and read his tweet.

There was a picture zoomed in so you couldn't see my face of my ring. There was also a picture of me lying in bed sleeping exposing my bra and panties, only my backside was exposed.
Seth tweeted

Two nights ago I went to bed alone and single. This morning I awoke engaged and to this beautiful creature sleeping next to me #luckyguy

I smirked at his tweet and favorited it.
I was happy he didn't just throw my name out there even though people were already making their guesses. I had a lot of people asking if it's me and people congratulating me. I also of course had haters which I've become used to.

My phone rang and my best friends name flashed across the screen.

"Hey Leah" I answered

"Don't you hey Leah me bitch. I'll deal with you in a second but first quick turn on tmz." she yelled

I turned on tv and switch the channel and there I saw Seth Rollins face. I blushed instantly at his smile.

Interviewer= Come on give us a hint. Your grinning from ear to ear man whose the lucky lady?

Seth= when the times right. You'll know. Everyone will know. People are already making their guesses.

Interviewer= yes the Twitter world is going crazy just waiting for confirmation from you. What do you have to say to your fans that are just dying to know?

Seth= that I'm marrying the most beautiful woman in the world and I couldn't be happier. Everything will come into place soon so stay tuned and thanks for the kind words and well wishes.

I was grinning at my tv lost in my own little happy world

"Heather" Leah called into my ear

"Yeah im here Lee"

"So when the fuck were you going to tell me you were engaged to your ex fiance??" she yelled

"Leah he's changed I swear. I wouldn't be going through this all over again if he hadn't I swear."

"Only fools allow themselves to get burned twice by the same flame."

I sighed.

"Leah. I love him. Its different this time. I can feel it."

"Heath. I gotta go I'll call you later."

I threw my phone down on the bed and sighed. I ran my hands over my face and through my hair. He's changed I just know he has. I know he wants this.


I got ready for the day and went to the wwe performance center. They were doing a special taping here with some of WWE guys and NXT guys going one on one against each other.

After I got prepped and read over some lines I had to know if was only 5 minutes until Showtime.

"I'm so excited to meet you I'm a huge fan." this adorable red short haired guy came up to me with his hand out smiling.

I smiled back and shook it.

"Hi. I'm Heather what exactly are you a fan of? My holding a microphone skills?" I asked sarcastically and raised my eyes brow at him.

He laughed

"I'm Sami. Sami Zayn. I guess I'm just a fan of beautiful women" he smirked and I blushed a bit.

"Mommy" Anna came and hugged my leg. Sami went white like a ghost I looked to see what was causing him to all of a sudden go numb and I see Dean looking at him behind me.

"Hey Sami." Dean spoke in his raspy voice.

"Dude totally didn't mean to be flirting with your girl I didnt know" Sami said defensively.

Dean chuckled dryly

"Not my problem it's Seth you have to worry about this is his fiance isnt that right Heather." Dean looked at me His eyes as blue and as ever still showed no emotion. I just shook my head and walked away with Anna.

Happy is such a simple word with a simple definition but such a difficult emotion.

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