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I was at home waiting for my mom to drop Anna off. I was so mentally drained from last night I hardly slept. I threw my hair into a messy bun and slip into a mini sundress. I went to the kitchen and was going through mail when I saw a taxi pull up outside my window at my house. Weird my mom usually drives. I walked out and saw Dean come out with this suitcase. He paid the driver and come up my driveway and met me at the door.

"Hey how are you?" he side hugs me.

"Um...good... Why are you here aren't you suppose to be at smackdown?"

I walked in the house and Dean followed.

"Hunter told me I didnt have a match so I asked if I could go home and spend some time with my kid and he agreed."

"Well she's not here yet but she will be more than excited to see you. Go throw your stuff in the spare room and when she pulls up we will hide you in her room!" I say exited

He smiled wide and nods. After placing his stuff in the room he joins me in the kitchen and hands me an envelope.

"I know I'm 3 months behind but it's all there I swear."

"You know you can just mail me the child support Dean.?" I chuckle grabbing the envelope from him and placing it with my mail

"Yeah but I wanna make sure you get it." he smiled

I look at my phone. Its 2pm and still no word from Corey. I knew this was a bad idea. I doubt he's going to ever speak to me again. I sigh

"What's wrong?" Dean asks and for a moment I forgot he was here I was so wrapped up in my own world.


"What's wrong" he says again

"Oh nothing"

"Come on Heather I know you enough to know it's something."

"Just tried."

"Long night?" he raised His eyebrow at me.

"I wish!" I mumbled

"What????" he says shocked

"No no not like that Its just.... Ugh never mind "

"Heather come on. Id like to think of us as friends and we can tell each other anything. We're suck with each other for life."

I really didn't want to spill my personal problems to my daughter's father but Dean was right we are going to be in each other's lives for along time. And he said we We're friends and i could really use a friend right now. The one person I tell everything to is the one im having a problem with. I can't run to Corey and ask him and vent to him about him and I now can I?


"Soo..... How was last night."

"Perfect actually. He had a cute little fort with tons of little lights on the hotel room floor with wine and dinner we talked and laughed for hours."

"So when what's the problem?"

"I don't know.... I just thought everything was great and we connected on more than a friendship level. I think I like him. But...."

Dean looked at me begging for more.

I sighed

"But......?" he asked

"But he didn't kiss me Or hug me. He just said goodnight and closed the door. I haven't herd from him since is that a bad thing?"

He looked at me with sympathy in his blue eyes.

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