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A little while later people started leaving the bar. Soon it left just Seth and I. And I was beyond drunk at this point. I was still much aware of my surrounding just my judgement was a little off.

"Heather we should get going it's almost 4am." Seth said looking me in the eye while I tried to get him into focus.

"Can I come home with you?" his eyes widen with shock. I couldnt believe it either. What was wrong with me.

"I'm sorry I'll just go."
I got up a little too quick and stumbled over as my vision blurred. Luckily Seth caught my fall before I crashed into the floor. He laughed

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I think I've have about enough" I chuckled.

"I believe you have sweetheart ill drive your car back to my hotel okay?"

I nodded and he helped me walk to the car. Shortly after we started driving I passed out. Next I remember was him laying me in bed. He began to walk out when I awoke.

"Seth" I mummled softly causeing him to turn around and smile.

"Yeah Heather"

"Come cuddle me I'm cold."

He chuckled knowing that it's a hot 77 degrees today in Florida and there was no way I could be cold. He joined me in bed anyways and I turned towards him and smiled.

"I like you" I whispered

"I like you too" he smiled and I crashed my lips into his. We kissed passionitly for awhile and then I climbed on top of him and took my dress off.

"Heather are you sure" Seth questioned and without hesitation I began to grind my hips causeing him to moan and harden.

The next morning I woke up naked next to Seth. Last night was such a blur. I can't believe I made the same mistake I did almost 4 years ago. I quickly and gathered my things threw on my dress and walked out the door slowly shutting it. I went to open the actual hotel room door and exit into the hallway when someone clearing their throat startled me.

I turned around to see none other then Dean Ambrose sitting on the couch wearing nothing but basketball shorts. I looked at him and he smirked getting up and walking towards me.

"Well I see your the one hitting it and ditching it now a days huh? He spoke with such a harshness to his voice.

"Shh your going to wake him asshole."

And with that I walk out and ran to the parking lot. Once I found my car I headed to my house and showered. As the hot water poured over my body I couldnt help but replay the actions that took place last night. I became overwhelmed with guilt, but mainly I became overwhelmed with regret.

*Seth's POV*

My alarm went off and I turned it off and rolled over to wake Heather. My smile instantly dropped when I saw the empty bedside beside me. I looked around the room and saw all of her stuff gone. I laid back and sighed. I knew I should have stopped her last night. This was my fault I should have controlled the situation. Then I herd a ringtone I've never here come from the other side of the bed I lifted the covers and saw Heathers phone. It was Corey graves calling so I answered.

"Heather I need you hurry come to my house quick she won't leave."

"Hey man it's Seth um I dont know where Heather is but I got her phone."

"Alright Seth I need you to come to my house I'll text the adress and pretend your my brother and our mom died or something please"

I sighed

"Alright on my way"

I got dressed and walked out my room and into the living room of our suite I shared with Roman and Dean. They both were sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Can I steal the car for an hour" I asked grabbing the keys.

"Yeah dude where's the girl you brought home last night?" Roman questioned smirking

"Don't be shy Seth Roman and I herd everything.... So did she ditch early this morning after regretting waking up next to you."

"What the hells your problem dean you've been acting shitty since yesterday man. Tell Renee you need to get laid."

With that I slammed the door and made my way to Corey's house. I can just give him Heathers phone and ask him what I should do.

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