Dirty Little Secret

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I barely slept last night. It was now Wednesday morning and the sun was starting to shine brightly in my room. I blink a few times to help my eyes adjust. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the end table next to my bed.

One new text message

My heart raced as I opened my phone hoping it was from Corey. I sighed seeing my mom's name on the screen

Mom- we made it to Buffalo safe and sound love you

I set my phone down and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw nothing that appealed to me. I glanced over everything again and spotted something I love. I glanced over at the clock.


Hmm. Well it's 5 o'clock somewhere I thought to myself grabbing the bottle of wine and pouring myself a glass.

Before I knew it I was on my third glass. I thought about Corey and all That transpired between us. Then I thought about Anna and how much I missed her. A smirk came across my face as a brilliant idea popped into my head.

I refilled my glass of wine and went over to the computer in the living room. I looked up flights to Buffalo for this afternoon. I found two available for 5:55pm. Perfect. I smiled to myself and booked the flight

One under the name Heather one under the name Dean.

After I got the confirmation code Dean appeared in his undershirt and sweat pants. His hair was a mess and he a tired look in his eyes.

"Morning" he mumbled sitting on the couch looking over his shoulder at me. 

"Well someone's a bit of a crab ass this morning" I smiled

He must have saw my wine glass cause he marched over to me and grabbed it smelling it.

"Are you drinking?" he raised his eyebrow at me

"I'm just relaxing" I chuckled

He looked at the clock then back to me.

"Its 9am Heather"

I rolled my eyes and picked up the glass and went to the kitchen. Dean followed. I dumped the remainder of the wine out in the sink and washed the glass. I turned around and Dean was holding a half empty wine bottle. I snatched it away and put it in the fridge.

"So I have an idea!" I smiled

"Oh I'm sure you do with All the liquid courage running through your veins." he smirked

"Ew no not a sexual idea you perv!" I laughed

"Well I tried" he shrugged his shoulders

I rolled my eyes

"Well anyways your off till Sunday right?"


"I was thinking we could go surprise surprise Anna in buffalo!"

He just looked at me and blinked a few times.

"Hello? Earth to Ambrose!" I waved my hand in front of his face

"Sorry just um we would be around your family right?"

I nodded

"Um. They like hate me though..... And Buffalo is so cold.....and the snow I hate the snow"

"Oh well I wish i would have known that before I already booked the flights. We leave at 6. So I suggest to pack something warm." I smiled and walked to my room.

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