9 weeks later.

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Jon and I haven't really said anything since my birthday. He's with Renee and I'm with Seth and we both agreed that it should have never happened. Seth came over the day after my birthday and spent three days with me. I could tell he really felt gulity for missing my birthday so we made up. I just got back from the doctors cause I havnt been able to keep much food down the past few days. I found out I'm 9 weeks pregnant and I dont know how I'm going to tell Seth. I set the folder the doctor gave and the ultrasound photo on the table and met Corey Graves outside by the pool. I told him the news and we sat in silence for awhile.

"Heather..... I dont even know what to say" he began
"How did this happen I mean what does Seth think is he going to step up and be a better man."

Tears started to fall

"I dont know Corey this wasnt the plan. I haven't even told Seth yet I know he's not going to be excited."

Corey hugged me

"Don't worry I'll always be here for you" he said while rubbing my back.

"Mommy mommy" I herd yelling from the house I broke the embrace from Corey.

"Looks like Dean is dropping Anna off." I said and headed in the house.

*deans POV*
I knew sleeping with Heather was a mistake at least in her eyes it was. I played along acting like we'd pretend it never happened but I wasn't lying when I said I loved her and our night together was the best sex I've ever had in my life. I felt so connected and there was so much passion involved it just made my climax that much more enjoyable. It was nothing like anything I've felt with any other woman before. Not even Renee.

Well I had to move on she had Seth and I had Renee. I guess It just wasn't ment to be.

I went inside to drop Anna off to Heather. I noticed an ultrasound photo on the table and picked it up thinking it was from Anna then I read the date. It was marked for today. My heart stoped I read the contents that were in the folder and I instantly felt my whole body get hot. She's 9 weeks pregnate. 9 weeks ago was her birthday. We had sex. I began to sweat and pace around the room. My mind was running crazy with nerves and questions. Did we use protection? Is she on birth control? Why didn't she tell me? Just then Heather walked in silencing the voices in my head. I looked at her with the ultrasound picture in my hands and anger in my eyes. Her smile quickly faded.

"Anna go outside and play with Corey while I talk to daddy" she said while walking towards me.

Anna ran outside to join Corey and Heather just looked at me.

"So were you ever going to tell me." I said with anger handing her the photo.

She took it and put it down
"Honestly I didnt think it was any of your business Dean."

I couldn't believe this how could she say that! I slammed my fists down on the table causeing her to jump a little

"How could you fucking say that Heather you know your birthday was 9 weeks ago correct." I yelled and her eyes widened as if she just remembered we slept together.

She sat down and put her head into her hands. I saw her tears and I began to slowly calm down. I sat next to her and rubbed her back. She layed her head on my chest and I held her and she cried.

"Don't worry Heather we will get through this I'm not going anywhere this time I promise." I calmingly said to her she moved out of my embrace and looked me in the eyes with tear stained cheeks.

"Dean... I slept with Seth the night after my birthday..... I dont know what I'm suppose to do. I don't know whose kid this is. I feel like the worst person in the world."

With that I walked out. I couldnt help but have my heart break. I sped off and left. I didnt know what to do or how to handle all these emotions at once. I did what came naturally to me. I ran away from my problems. It might be it might not be my kid. I don't even know I need to find Seth.

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