Shit Happens

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I woke up the next morning hungover for the first time in a long time. I got Anna ready for school luckily Dean wasn't home. I was all ready to go but Anna was looking for her favorite flower to put in her hair.

"Anna let's go your going to be late"

"Mommy I'm trying"

Dean walked in with Starbucks.

"Where you going?" he asked

"I have to go to Anna's school today for a meeting."

"Why wasn't I informed?"

"I don't know Dean you seem to have a lot going on I was going to just go with Corey."

"Well last time I checked Corey Graves isn't Anna's father."

"No shit Dean but his daughter goes to Anna's school so we decided to ride together"

"Anna car now!!!" I yelled grabbing my keys

She came out with her little flower in her hair

"Found it mommy"

"Good let's go"

"I'm coming" I looked at Dean and rolled my eyes.

Corey met us outside in the driveway with his daughter Amanda. He got both girls inside and buckeled in.

"Hey Dean didn't know you were coming" he said smiling

"Yeah Corey Anna is MY daughter"

"Alright alright just get in the car"

We drove to the school while the girls were singing frozen in the back. Once we arrived Dean and I made our way to the kindergarten wing while Corey went to the preK wing. We sat down in the principles office and waited.

"Why didint you tell me about this Heather?"

"It honestly slipped my mind till Corey reminded me this morning."

"It is because of last night cause I really want to talk to you about that...."

"There's nothing to talk about Dean your going to be a daddy. Congrats. Just make sure you don't inform Anna without me there."

"I ment we need to talk about what you said last night..."

"DROP IT. I was drunk okay why can't you just leave well enough alone!!"

Finally the principle came in and joined us.

"Great your both here now Let's get straight to it. You both are living together correct?"

"Um I guess you could say that. Deans been staying with us the past few weeks while he looks for a house. How did you know?"

"Well Anna has been fighting with her friend Amy about how she has a mommy and daddy together now and soon she's going to have more brothers and sisters than her. Are you two together or?"

"well" Dean began but I cut him off

"No we aren't and we won't be I'm sorry for the problems this caused you Dean will be out soon as possible."

He nodded

"Okay well just keep her in mind when you two make decisions okay?"

"Dude fuck you" Dean stood up

"Dean Stop"

"No this asshole can't tell me how to raise my child" he yelled

"Well I see where Anna gets her disrepect from"

Dean clenched his fist. I had to phyically drag him out to the car.

"What the hell was that dean!"

"Me? How about him!!!!"

"Look you need to find a place of your own okay especially since Anna is getting confused and your about to have another kid with another woman we don't want to add more confusion to her than there already is okay."

"Whatever so what you said last night just forget it right?"

"Dean come on that's not fair things were different okay. Right now you need to focus your attention on Renee and that baby"

"Whatever" he walked away

Dean walked away and out of sight. Corey finally got out and made it to the car. He got in and we drove off.

"Where's Dean?"

"He left..... Did you know he's having another kid?"

Corey staired at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"Is it..... I mean are you....."

"Oh gosh no!!!! Renee is pregnate not me!"

"Oh wow okay" he let out a huge sigh

"I told Dean I loved him...."


"Yeah before the told me about Renee."

Corey shook is head

"Maybe this is for the best Heather you guys were getting awfully close and you know dean's not the family guy sooner or later he was going to break yours and Anna heart. I'm just happy for your sake it happened now and not later so it doesn't have to hurt so bad."

I made it back to the house. Dean was outside loading his car with his luggage.

"Hey I'm going to go stay with Renee for awhile...."

"That's good she's going to need you there"

"Yeah.... I won't forget about you and anna though I promise."

"I hope you don't you mean the world to that little girl"

I started to walk into the house when Dean grabbed my arm. I turned around to face him. He looked lost broken and confused I honestly felt bad for him but it was his own dumb mistakes that got him here.

"Heather...I'm So sorry really..."

"Don't worry about it Dean. Shit Happens. Good luck"

And with that I walked in the house and shut the door. A few moments later I herd dean's car leave the driveway. I sighed and and watched as he drove away.

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