Home At Last

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I walked out of the large airplane . God it was good to be out of that huge metal container. I stretched my arms and legs and made my way towards luggage claim. I stuck my phone out of my back pocket and texted my mom to ask her where she was. I swear she better not forget about me. Again...I grabbed my suit cases and decided to walk outside since I was tired of waiting. My eyes searched the parking lot but nothing. Wow.... home sweet home. I was about to walk back inside when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to meet my older brother Mateo.

"Mateo!" I ran into his arms and braced him in a large hug.

"Did you really think I could forget my baby sis?"

"Wow I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I actually missed you" I laughed. He shot me a smile and grabbed my bags for me. My brother was easy 6'', he had jet black hair and honey brown eyes. Not to be gross or anything but my brother was a really attractive person and believe me I heard it constantly from the annoying girls at schools. Like yes my brother is the one with the good hair and dreamy eyes and no I won't give you his number so get over it. I searched the parking lot for my brother's car but instead I spotted mine.

"Benzy! Wait why is my car here? Did you touch my car? Mateo I swear if you crashed into the freaking mail box again I am going to-"

"Relax I thought you missed your car so I decided to bring it so you can drive it home, and for your information I DID NOT CRASH INTO THE MAIL BOX"

"Yeah mhmm sureeeee Matt"

"Just into the trash bin" he mumbled under his breath.

"You what?! Mateo I've been back half an hour and you're already making me pull all my hair out"

After singing with Mateo in the car like maniacs in traffic we finally got home.

"Guess who's back and better than ever?! MA! PA! CANELO!" I yelled out. Mateo said he would take my bags up into my room so I decided to go into the kitchen and yes the first thing I'm going to do is raid the fridge. Don't judge me.

"SURPRISE!" I screamed and jumped back.

"Oh my god!" I grabbed my chest and took a deep breaths.

"Welcome home Fatima!" soon I was tackled in giant hugs from all of my family.

"Aw thank you guys! I missed you all so much!" I said as I looked around at my beloved family. Family is everything to me.

"Canelo!" I said in joy as my little puppy ran into my arms. Well he's not really not much of a puppy anymore. This was great. Being home with all my family. We all shared our hectic stories that occurred in the summer. We laughed and ate and ate and ate oh and we even danced and sang a little. Not to brag but the shower head and loofah happen to think I have a lovely voice. One time I said I sounded like Celine Dion but then Mateo had to ruin the moment and said "yeah, chocking on a carrot". Okay I am going to admit I couldn't sing even if my life depended on it I'm horrible at it Lol. I was so happy to be home. I missed everyone so much and we were having a great time. Everyone decided it was time to go, they thought it was best so I could rest and take a shower. I ran up to my room and threw myself on my bed. I looked around my room and looked at all of my surroundings. Oh how good it felt to be in my own room and own bed again. Before I knew it my eyelids began to feel heavy and a peaceful sleep.

An Hour Later...

My eyes fluttered open. At first I was a bit confused as to were I was but then it clicked. I was back home. I reached for my phone on my night stand and looked at the time. It was only two o'clock. I had a few messages from Joel. A smile immediately appeared on my face.

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