You Owe Me Chipotle

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"You know that this is pointless I don't think I can do this anymore Joel!" I said in frustration as I stared at the stubborn boy.

"Who even says that? CARMELLL no its CARAMEL"

"What?! No you pronounce it CARMELLL not CARAMEL that's just wrong" We had been arguing on how to properly pronounce caramel for the past twenty five minutes. There's twenty five minutes of my life that I won't get back well spent. So here we were. Sitting across from each other on his bed simply staring each other.

"This is seriously pointless why are we arguing on how to pronounce something when we could be eating candy and watching my favorite movie of all time" He simply sent a toothy smile my way. Okay you know what stop being so cute. I got up from the comfortable bed and made my way towards the television and began to play the movie. I hopped back onto the mattress and grabbed our snacks.

"Okay should we start with sour patches, gummy worms or Reese's?" I asked Joel as I searched through the bag.

"Ummm surprise me"

"Sour Patches it is"

He was sitting on the edge of the bed while I was sitting up on the headboard.

"Joel" He looked up at me. I patted the spot next to me motioning for him to sit next to me. He smiled and made his way next to me. I opened the bag with little pieces of heaven in it and popped one in my mouth. I moved the bag towards Joel and then quickly moved it away.


"Oh I'm sorry did you want some" I asked as innocently as I could, trying to fight back my laugh. I moved the bag towards him once again and quickly ripped in away.


"Joel!" I laughed. He lunged at me and I moved back. I didn't move away fast enough because I felt his weight on me.

"Joel Pimentel!" I laughed as he tried to take to candy from my hand. I tried to squirm out from under him, I began to get out of his grasp when he grabbed my by my waist and pulled me back under him. He wrapped his hands around my small wrist and pinned me down.

"Now will you give them to me" He smiled.

"Not gonna happen" I laughed as I tried to release myself from his grip. It was no use I wasn't getting out of this one. I looked up and met his eyes. The only thing you could hear was our heavy breathing and the movie silently playing in the back ground. There was no longer anything else it was just Joel and Fatima. That was it, just the two of us. I felt his deep breaths fan against my lips. He could probably hear my heart beating out of my chest. I don't know what happens to me when I'm under his touch its just something unexplainable that I've never felt with anyone else before. He looked deep into my eyes as if he was trying to read them. All I knew was that I need my lips pressed against his. He slowly began to lean in and I found myself doing the same. Just as his lips were about to touch for the second time there was a knock on the door making both of us quickly pull back. ARE YOU SERIOUS. AH. He quickly removed his body from mine and went to open the door. I sat up and adjusted myself.

"Oh hey guys" I heard Joel say as the room quickly flooded with boys.

"Hey Fatima!"

"Hey guys" I mustered up a smile and got up to sit on the small sofa.

"Hey I texted you but you didn't respond, I was worried" Yoandri said as he sat himself down next to me. Oh so now he's worried what about the time I got lost in the mall parking lot? Where was he then?

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see my phone" I said as Johann sat on the other side of me.

"Hola bella que tal" he smiled. He never failed to put a smile on my face. I simply laughed and layed my head on his shoulder.

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