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Hey guys! I am so so sorry to say that this is not an update. Boo yeah I know but please continue reading. Before I continue I would love to thank every single one of you for 3K reads! I am extremely grateful for all the reads, votes and lovely comments they all mean so much. So once again thank you so much! Anyways I will try to update sometime this week but I hope you all understand if I can't. So as I said previously, I will be starting my finals later this month and it is very stressful. Since I am in my High School's Health Academy. For those of you that don't know that that is, it is basically a school group that specializes in participating in the community and school and learning about several different aspects in the health field. For example as a Junior you are able to leave school for around and hour once a week and you go to multiple different jobs and work with them like you could go work at the hospital with a nurse or go with the paramedics to a scene. You also do many projects like presenting, one time I had to go present with my group in front of a group of kids at the Junior High ( I swear I almost died it was like 300 kids). It takes a lot of hard work and dedication and only 65 out of 250 kids got excepted and I was one of the fortunate ones, it is definitely one of the best choices I have made it brings you together with people you wouldn't think you would be close with and we're all one big family. Anyways for my final we had to complete a community service act. Two of my very close friends and I have chosen to organize and event to fundraise money so we are able to buy supplies to make blankets for children at the primary hospital with cancer or other illnesses. It is a lot of work to take on and we are expected to finish sometime around the 18th so I hope you all understand that it will be difficult for me to update before then. I will try my very best but between that and studying for all my other classes I have very little free time. Plus I am a horrible procrastinator like seriously I take ten minute breaks every five minutes, lol just kidding I actually work pretty hard....most of the time. Once again I am truly sorry and I hope you will stick with me I will try my best to update this week. Lots of love! Ps that image up above it seriously me.

xoxo arizona robbins ramirez

Joel Pimentelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن