Welcome to Miami

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Two weeks later...

"Fatima....Fatima.... come on get up we're here"

I groaned as I felt someone lightly tug on my shoulder. Who ever is waking me from my beauty sleep is going to paaayyy.

"mhhhhhh five more minutes I swear I won't be late" I groaned as I swatted whatever was tugging at me away. I wrapped my arms around something warm and snuggled my head into it.

"Come on get up, we're here" I heard Yoandri laugh

My eyes shot open as I realized that I wasn't in my usual bedroom. I sat up and looked at Yoandri, smiles wide on both of our faces. I jolted out my seat and grabbed Yoandri's hand. I quickly grabbed our bags. I sprinted out of the tin can that we had just spent the last several hours in.

"Hey hold wait up! My legs can only move so fast" Yoandri complained as he caught up to me, slightly out of breath.



"We're in Florida" a smile plastered across my face

Three hours later...

"Fatimaaaaaa!You've been getting ready for like two hours now! Hurry up would you? I'm starving!" I heard Yoandri whine.

"Correction it's only been one" I fought back as I slipped on my shoes. I decided to wear my white tank with my beige cream color skater skirt along with my white low tops. I laced up my shoes and hopped to the mirror in our hotel room. I ran my fingers to loosen up my curls up a bit and made sure my eyeliner was sharp enough to kill. Perf. I grabbed my phone and wallet and made my way over towards to my cousin who was spread across his bed with his phone on his face. I yanked on his leg, startling him a bit.

"Shall we go now?" I smiled.

"We shall, you look beautiful as always" he complimented.

"Why thank you dear cousin, not to bad yourself" I said planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Hahah, oh and I forgot to tell you that one of my friends that is also in La Banda is going to join us for lunch, is that okay?" he asked as we walked out the door of our room.

"Yeah of course, I would love meet some of your new friends, after all any friend of yours is mine".

We made our way down the busy streets of Miami to a tiny cafe that Yoandri's friend was waiting for us at. Soon enough we made it to the cute little restaurant and went inside.

"Johann!" I heard Yoandri call out. I suppose that was the name of his friend. To be honest I was a bit nervous. What if his friends didn't like me or something, I don't want to do anything to ruin Yoandri's wonderful experience.

"Yoandri hey! Come I saved you guys a seat"

The boy had long brown hair that was put up into a quiff with a wide welcoming smile. I immediately felt a bit relieved. We made our way over to the small booth and sat down in front of the boy I learned was Johann.

"Hi, you must be Fatima! I'm Johann nice to meet you" he smiled as he held his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi it's very nice to meet you as well" I smiled back at him as I shook his hand.

One hour later...

I wiped a tear away as I continued my fit of laughter. Yoandri, Johann and I were having the absolute best time. I'm really relieved that at least one of Yoandri's friend was one I could really get along with.

"Oh man would you look at the time, we should probably get going we have our first rehearsal tomorrow" Johann said as he looked at the time on his phone.

"Yeah you're right, we should probably head back" Yoandri responded. I nodded in agreement. Turns out that Johann along with all the boys are staying in the same hotel for now. We paid our bill and walked out into the busy city. Soon enough we made it back to the Hotel and we made our way up to our rooms. Yoandri stuck his phone out a snapped a picture of the three of us to put on social media. We said our goodbyes and off we went. Tomorrow gonna be a big day.

Hey guys! So this is just a small filler chapter I decided to post. I promise a better chapter will be posted within the next few days. I would also like to thank every one of you that has voted for my story so far it means a lot to me!Anyways I hope this filler chapter isn't too bad. Until later my lovlies!

xoxo arizona robbins ramirez

Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now