Sour Patches and The Book Of Life

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Guess who's back and better than everrrr?!

I took at deep breath before I grabbed onto the door handle and pulled it open. My mind was still racing from the events that just played out. Joel kissed me. Joel kissed me. I walked back towards the table that everyone was sitting at.

"Hey what's wrong?" Yoandri asked curiously

"Wh-What? Nothing. Why?"

"Nooo reason? Are you okay? What happened to Joel?"

"Yeah perfectly fine. He um he's not feeling too good so if its okay with you guys he said he would rather go back to his room and rest for a bit. He asked me to go with him and keep him uh company"

"Yeah sure, tell him I'll come by later" Yoandri said. They all waved goodbye and I made my way back to Joel.

I walked back into the parking lot and saw him leaning up against Johann's car with is phone in his hand. God he's cute. Like it doesn't get much cuter than that. I tiptoed up behind him and covered his eyes with my hands, which might I add was kind of difficult considering he's almost a whole foot taller than me.

"Guess who?" I whispered in his ear.

"Beyonce is that really you?"

Wtf? This idiot.

"Yeah its totally Beyonce how'd you know?" I laughed as I rolled my eyes at his stupid response. He faced towards me and gave me a cheeky smile. Boy can you be any more cute. I don't think it's possible.

"Soooo where should we head to?" He asked as we walked side by side down the crowed city. Our hand lightly brushing against each other's occasionally. Even the smallest amount of contact made me go nuts.

"I though you said you were tired?" I said as I curiously looked at him

"Well that was just an excuse for you to come hang out with me"

"Seriously? That's your way of asking me to spend time with you?" He nodded proudly and continues walking.

"Wooooww verryy impressive Joel"

"Don't have to tell me, I already know" he smirked. I held back a smile. He quickly grabbed my hand began to drag me down the crowed sidewalk.

"Joel what are you doing" I laughed as I tried to catch up with the strange boy.

"It's a surprise" he looked back and continued to walk. What is this boy up to now. After a while of walking turned around and smiled. I looked up and saw that we some how had made our way to a Target. Why in the world of all places did he bring me to a freaking tar- ohhhh. He remembered. This is where we first met. Well not exactly but it was a Target so close enough. I looked up at him and he had a giant toothy grin plastered across his face. Aw man he got me feelin some typa way. He actually remembered that we met at a Target all those months ago. That was the first time we ever laid eyes on each other.

"Come on" He said as he took my hand in his and pulled me towards the entrance.

"So why exactly did you decide to bring me to a Target?" I asked curiously as I followed him down the long store aisles. I swear I better not get lost. Again....

"Because we....are going to have..... a movie night" he said while he threw things in the basket.

"So are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me grab all the junk food we can possibly can?" Ah man he already knows me so well. A smile spread across my face and I began to throw things in.

"Oooh Reese's"

" And some extra buttery popcorn!"

"Can't forget the gummy worms"

"Or the watermelon Sour Patches!" We said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"OH MY GOD JOEL" I stopped in my tracks and grabbed his arm. He looked at me curiously, a bit taken back by my sudden behavior.

"Look! We have tooooo!" I pleaded with a smile glued to my face the whole time. He simply stared back at me.

"You know what why am I even asking you its happening. This is seriously like my favoritest movie of all time! If you don't like The Book Of Life I don't think we can be friends anymore, I don't think I will be able to breathe the same air as you if you don't like this movie" He looked down at me and just chuckled.

"What?! It isn't funny I'm being serious!"

"No its just that-"

"Just that what? Come on spit it out"

"It's just that you're adorable that's what" I felt my cheeks blush at his compliment. I smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as I looked down. WHY IS BLUSHING A THING? Like go away no one needs you here. He placed his thumb on my chin and tilted my head so I was looking at him. I stared at his gorgeous brown eyes that I could probably stare at for an eternity and never get bored.

"Its true. You're just too cute you know? Now come on let's go and have our movie date shall we?"

"Oh so this is a date now is it?" I raised my brow at him. Now it was his turn to blush.

"Oh uh n-no well uh not i-if y-you wanted it to be" he stuttered as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. I smiled at his cute habits and walked up to him and whispered in his ear.

"It's a date"

Hey guys! Long time no read. Get it? Long time no read instead of see. Wow. I seriously hate myself for that. Anyways I am so so sorry it took me this long to update but I'm a busy busy girl. So I hope you like this chapter! And has anyone else seen The Book Of Life and thought it was like one of the cutest movies like ever? If you haven't you are truly missing out. On another note Sour Patch watermelon are life. Byeeee!

xoxo arizona robbins ramirez

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