Second First Date? Or Not.

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"AGAIN!" we had been rehearsing this weeks dance for what seemed like forever.

"No no no you all need to be in sync! C'mon work with each other guys. Let's take ten." We all parted ways. I went over to my bag and grabbed my water bottle. I heard sound of my phone vibrate. I reached over and pulled it out of my bag. It was Isaac! One of best friends back home.

I: So did you just decide to forget about me since you're all famous now dancing on TV?

F: Umm who are you?

I: Wow. That hurt. Is that how you treat your best friend, guess I'll just go now.

F: No! Isaac you know I was kidding how could I forget a kid as annoying as you.

I: Why am I even friends with you?

F: How can you not be? Be happy you're blessed with someone like myself

Isaac and I had been friends for as long as I can remember. The first time we ever met was when I was in the first grade when a kid stole my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, he came up to me and gave me half of his. We were inseparable ever since. Of course he doesn't say that. He says it all started when I fell madly in love with him. Keep dreaming bud.

"Boo" I jumped forward. I quickly turned around to meet Joel's familiar face.

"You need to stop doing that! Are you trying to kill me!"

"Haha I'm sorry, forgive me?" he said as he stuck out his bottom lip

"mmmm fineee, but only because I'm a sucker for your puppy eyes" I laughed

"Oh so you like my puppy eyes do you?" Oh boy here we go. I felt my cheeks flush and I quickly turned around.

"Maybeeee" I said as I began to walk off. I heard him lightly chuckle before I heard his foot steps closely follow behind. I sat down with my back facing the wall and stuck my phone out of my pocket. Joel plopped himself down next to me and looked at me then back at the floor then again, back at me then at the floor. Okay?

"Um do you need something" I lightly laughed at his unusual behavior.

"Umm well I was just wondering" he started off as he cleared his throat.

"Oh no Joel. Wondering?" I jokingly said

"Well you know since our movie date didn't really go as planned, maybe you would like to go on another one?" He nervously said as he looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"So a second first date?" I questioned as a smile appeared on my face.

"Yeah a second first date"

"How could I say no to those puppy dog eyes" I smiled.

"Okay everyone let's get back at it!" the choreographer said as she walked in the room.

"Okay well I have to go but I'll um see you later" I said as he helped me up from our spot. He shot me a smile as we both went our own ways.

Four days later...

"Fatima, Mariana, Elizabeth, Monica and Jennifer you will be dancing during Alan's performance. Harper, Callie, Angel and Camilla you will be dancing during Joel's performance...." she continued to talk but I was dosing off in lala land. I had been out of it today, I'm not sure why I just wasn't feeling it. Joel and I still hadn't found the time to go on our date yet because we were both so busy. I haven't been able to see him often the past couple of days because of our hectic schedules but once in a while we'll send each other a few text messages here and there.

"Okay Alan's group you will be working with me first, the rest of you go and do as you are told in wardrobe" everyone except for us left the room and did what they were suppose to.

"Okay ladies, and Alan. Let's start shall we? So let's discuss positions, let's have Mariana on Alan's left and Fatima on his right but stand back a bit because the attention suppose to be directed on him. Then I'll have the rest of you file behind them to form a pyramid" we all did as we were told and got in our proper spots.

An hour later....

"Okay very good all of you, that's enough for today. We can finish the rest tomorrow!" everyone began to leave and Joel and his group began to walk in. Alan, Mariana and walked over and grabbed our bags. I heard the loud laughter of one of the dancers but I couldn't care less so I chose to ignore it and continued to gather my stuff.

"Oh Joel you're so funny" I slung bag over my shoulder and casually looked to the back of the room. It was Callie.

"Oh I just loveee your hair Joel!" she said as she reached over and began to play with his hair. Tf you doin? Tell me she's not playing with his hair. I rolled my eyes and tried to push my negative thoughts away. I don't know why something so simple was bothering me so much.

"Hey you okay?" I heard Alan say.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you for asking" I smiled

"Yeah of course, you just seem kind of out of it today"

"Yeah I'm just tired is all" It was nice to see that he cared to much. He was very sweet.

"Well why don't we head back together then?I'm about to leave too" he asked

"Sounds good, I really don't feel like waiting for Yoandri and Johann today" I laughed as we walked out the door. I don't know why there was this feeling eating at me, something bothered me knowing that Joel was in there with Callie. Am I jealous? He's not even my boyfriend. Right? No I refuse to be that girl who's all clingy and overprotective, I mean we aren't official. He never mentioned anything about being exclusive so it shouldn't be a problem if we see other people. Is that what he's doing? He's seeing other people?

Hey guys! Whooo two updates in two days! So I'm taking my drivers test on Wednesday and let's hope that I don't kill the instructor lol. Quick question. What are some of the shows you guys watch? Greys Anatomy? Teen wolf? Gossip Girl? Pretty Little Liars? What about some Friends reruns? Anyways I hope you all like this extra update and I will see yalls next time! Btw that picture of Joel it seriously my face every second of everyday lol.
xoxo arizona robbins ramirez

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