You did what now??

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One month later....

I slung my bag over my shoulder and stepped out of my car. Endless nights of Chemistry homework are finally over. For three months at least. I snatched the mail that I picked up on the way home and made my way to my front door. Buzz Buzz. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket as I walked through my font door. I reached back to grab my phone, dropping a few envelopes in the process. I softly cursed under my breath and shut the door with my hip as I reached down to pick up the mail. I read to screen on my phone to see that I had received a message from Yoandri. Yoandri! A smile immediately appears on my face. Yoandri left on a family trip to Miami a while ago. Or at least that's what he says.

"Cute shirt"

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "Oh yeah, how would you know? You left me for a sunny beach in Miami remember?"

"Miss me ?"

No. It couldn't be. My eyes shot up and met those brown ones that I had learned to miss so much.

"Yoandri!" I dropped my bag along with all the mail and ran towards my beloved cousin. I ran into his open arms and wrapped mine around his neck.

"I can't believe you're back!" I smiled as I pulled myself away from him.

"Yeah we came in this morning" he smiled back. Oh how I missed him.

"And you didn't tell me!" I said as I playfully hit his arm.

"Ow. Hey! It hasn't even been 24 hours and you're already abusing me! What a perfect way to be welcomed home" he said as he rubbed his arm.

"Oh shut up you little baby, I barely touched you " I rolled my eyes as I turned around to pick up my bag.

"Haha so how was the last day of school?" he asked as we walked up the stairs up to my room.

" The boring same old same old, but who cares about the last day of school tell me about Miami!" I said as we plopped down on my bed.

"Well actually there's something I wanted to tell you" he said with a smile on his face.

"Well spill! Oh god you met a girl didn't you?! Tell me! Was she pretty? What's her name? Tall? No! Short huh. Was sh-"

"Fatima it's not about a girl" he laughed putting me to a stop.

"Well what the heck is it?" I asked a bit disappointed and a bit curious.

"So you know how I told you I was interested in auditioning for La Banda and you told me to go for it, well I kind of sort of did and I got in!"

Wait, what? "No way! Oh my gosh Yoandri! I'm so happy for you! You have such an amazing talent! I know you're going to get so far! I'm so so happy for you! I promise I'll be with you very step of the way" I flung at him and engulfed him in a giant hug. Yoandri had the ability to make a person feel amazing with just the sound of his voice and I know he's going to make it very far. He's wanted this type of opportunity for a long time and now it's come and I'm going to support him in every way possible.

"Thank you so much Fatima, I knew you would always be there to support me" he smiled

" Of course, that's what family's for" I smiled back.

"But there's one more thing, and before you ask no, it isn't a girl" Darn. He knew me so well.

"So I may or may not have overheard that they're looking for one more dancer, and I may or may not have told them that I happened to have an amazingly talented cousin that just so happens to dance" He rapidly spit out, waiting for my reaction.

What. What. What?

"You WHAT?" wtf? He didn't.

So that's part dos for you guys! I really hope you like it. I would also like to thank you all who read my story and vote, it honestly mean so much to me and I am very thankful. I will try to update as soon as I can and I apologize for taking a while to update once again, school has become very stressful and I've been focusing on my assignments. But on another note CNCO!

-xoxo arizona robbins

Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now