Day One

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I decided to pass on the dinner with all the boys last night. I was actually feeling a bit tired so I decided to go take a nap. By the time I woke up Yoandri had come home and fallen asleep right next to me on the couch. It was now 7 o'clock and the alarm was waking me from my deep slumber. Are you freaking serious? I hear Yoandri groan and dig his head into my shoulder.

"Just five more minutes" he mumbled out. I quickly move to stop the annoying alarm on my phone.

"Hah yeah right. Last time you said that we both passed out for like another two hours" I said as I moved from under him and towards the bathroom, leaving him with his face stuffed into a pillow.

"You better be up by the time I get out of the shower Yoandri" I warned as I collected my things and went into the shower.

An hour and a half later...


"Yeah. You?"

"As ready as I'll be" I responded as we made our way towards the large building that I was stranded in not to long ago. Yoandri and I were directed to a different room from before which I believed I heard the person mention was the  dance studio. Ahhhh. I was so excited to see the place that I would be spending most of my time in from not on. We opened the doors and were greeted by the boys and a few other girls which I assumed were other dancers.

"Yoandri! Fatima!"

"Hey guys" we smiled back.

"Joel!" everyone yelled. I turned around and once again was greeted by those beautiful brown eyes. He was so cute. I found my self staring at his strong figure and cute smile. I quickly turned back around and began to talk to Jaime, Erick and Johann.

"Fatima" I heard Yoandri call out to me. I turned around to be greeted with a cute smile plastered on his face.

"Hey what's- wait a minute I know that smile. What did you do?" I questioned as I furrowed my brows.

"Just come here" he took my a hold of my hand and pulled my to the front of the room.

"Cover your eyes"

"What? No! I am so not falling for that one again" I said shooting a glare in Johann's direction.

"Just do it. Trust me" he said as he faced me.

"Oh fineeee" I gave in and placed my hands over my eyes.

"Yoandri I swear if you try something-"

"Okay you can look now". I removed my hands from their previous position and see one of my very best friends standing in front of me next to Yoandri.

"Mariana!" I ran towards her and engulfed her in a giant hug.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled as I pulled away

"Well a certain someone thought it would be nice to have a friend by your side" she smiled as he looked at Yoandri. I smiled at him and gave him a giant hug.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear

"Anything for you" he said back. 

Shortly after the choreographer showed up.

"Okay attention everyone. I am disappointed to inform the dancers that there was a confusion in the amount intended. Sadly five of you will have to withdraw themselves"

Well shit. I'm fucked. Lol. Byesss.

"To determine who will continue here we will have a friendly competition. You will select a partner and you two will be expected to perform your own choreography. The song of choice will be Dessert by Dawin" Immediately Mariana and I glanced at each other, grins plastered on our faced.

"You are all expected to preform to myself along with the boy by six today. Now are they any questions"

Oh yeah. It is so on. La Banda brace your selves because this hair got serious.

Hey guys! This is just a quick filler chapter. I will be updating the second part to this later tonight or tomorrow I not sure yet. I hope this isn't too rough. I would like to thank every single one of you guys for all of your support it means so much to me and I am very very grateful. Also I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I hope everything went wonderfully. One last thing, have you guys seen the choreography for Dessert by Matt Steffanina? If  you haven't go check it out its great! Oh and look at that cutie up top ain't he somethin. That is all.

xoxo arizona robbins ramirez

Joel PimentelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang