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I can't stay in this place anymore. I need to get out of this country, better yet, this continent.

Yasu Tachibana looks behind her and sprints off when she sees other ghouls chasing after her.

"Hey, Marble mask, get back here. That's it! You've stole from us too many times. Once I get my hands on you, you're going to wish you were dead." The leader of the Hornets shouted from behind her.

"You should've had better security around your safe." Yasu shouted back at them.

Yasu turn the corner, and takes off her mask and puts it into her backpack. She walks a bit further to see two doves within hearing distance. She walks into an alley close by and waits for a few seconds. A ghoul, wearing the hornet mask, jumps down in front of her.

"My, my, this is going to be an interesting meal," hornet mask said.

"GYAAAAA, someone help me!" Screams Yasu, at the top of her lungs.

The two doves runs towards the scream, to see Yasu backed up on a wall, and a ghoul with their kagune out, preparing to strike.

The dove on the left takes out their quinque and quickly strikes the ghoul down. While the dove on the right goes up to Yasu, to calm her down.

"Are you alright?" The dove on the right said helping Yasu up.

"Y-yes, I think I am," Yasu replies, perfectly imitating a scared person.

"Do you live around here?" The dove asked.

"Yes, thank you, sirs, for saving my life." Yasu keeps the act up, fooling the two doves.

"Next time, be more careful, and don't walk into alleyways."

"Yes sir, thank you sirs." She left the investigators and went to her "home".

She grabbed her fake passport and identity, and her plane ticket and luggage. She gets into a taxi, and asks the driver to take her to the airport.

She gets off at the airport and checks in her one suitcase. She carries her backpack with her to the boarding place. She eats a pill that lowers her RC level to be the same as humans and passes through airport security without any trouble. She finds the boarding platform she was going to board at and sits down to wait for the boarding time.

I'm going off to the United States. I'm so excited. I wonder if there are any ghouls there. Mother, father, just you wait. The little girl, you've left 8 years ago, is now a big girl, with big dreams. I have survived the way you have taught me to survive.

Yasu closes her journal and puts it into her backpack and prepares to board the plane.

Once she has boarded and found her seat, she put her stuff in the storage place, but not before taking out her journal, a pen, and her medicine bag. She got the window seat for the plane, and she was looking out of the window during the take off.

Mother, father, watch over me in heaven. Watch your, now independent, daughter start a new life in the United States. At the age of 16, I am going to start a new life, by my self.

Yasu closed her journal, and looked over to see that, there was no one next to her. She closed he eyes and thought,"Safe at last," and fell asleep, clutching her journal.

I Kill To Survive, You Kill For FunWhere stories live. Discover now