I'm Ready (29)

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So do you guys remember when Ashlyn said she was going to break me? Yeah well she wasn't lying. Were somewhere off the grid, its all woods and mountains and hills. There are other people here though. Its a camp if you want to call it that for troubled kids. You have a mentor, mines is Ash who was here once themselves. They can only bring a certain number of kids here. When we first got here and Ash and I went to our room. It was kinda like a hotel room but inside a cabin. You had 2 beds, 2 dressers, 2 closets, and a full bathroom. We unpacked and put our things away. There was a horn or something that was blown and we left our room nd met up with everyone else in a hall. It had long tables in rows and a stage. Everybody sat down and this guy got up on stage.

"So I'm pretty sure most of you are wondering where the hell you are. Well where you are isn't important the fact is your here because you need help. You may say or think other wise but that's not my problem. You have been brought here by another person. Now the person that brought you here has been here before because they were just like you. So they know how you feel. Here you will find yourself." The guys says.

He walks off the stage and some other people come around to the tables. They have papers that they hand our mentors.

"So we get to choose what we think you'll need for the week. This just tells us about whose speaking and when its time to eat and go to bed." Ash says.

We leave and go back into our room. Ash tells me to change and I put on some compression pants and shorts over them. I grab a sports bra and I'm ready to go. Hey don't judge its like 100 degrees here. Ash makes me put on a muscle shirt so I grab a black one. Ash is in the same clothes as me but she has on a dry fit tee shirt. We walk into this building and the inside looks like the Olympic Gym exploded in here. Ash leads me over to this guy who looks like he's made from stone.

"Hey Ashlyn how you doing?" He ask.

He pulls Ash into a hug.

"I'm doing good, Vince this is Rylee. Rylee this is Vince." Ash says.

"Nice to meet you." I say.

"Its nice to meet you too, I will be your trainer for the rest of your time here. Now lets go!" Vince says.

We did a couple of things to get our heart rate up. But then Vince came out with punching bags. We did a few standard punches but when Vince saw I've done this before and increased the difficulty. 20 minuets in I was done my body ached all over.

"Rylee lets go." Vince yelled.

"I can't." I nearly cry.

"What do you mean you can't?" Vince asks.

I sit up and push myself against the wall. Ash comes over and sits next to me. Vince is sitting in the front of me.

"Tell us." Ash says.

"I've been doing drugs and drinking. I could have gotten through this workout no problem but I can't everything hurts." I say.

Tears start falling down my face. I hate when people see me cry so I lean on Ash's shoulder.

"Hey tears don't mean your weak okay. Now go get something to drink and lets get back to it." Vince says.

I go over to this table where there's Gatorade and water set up at. I get myself together then go back over to where Ash and Vince are. They're at the weight lifting station. I can already tell that I'm not going to like this.

"AGAIN!" Vince yells.

I was doing pull ups and after 8 I dropped. I stood back up and my arms felt like jello.

"Rylee how many times do I have to tell you?" Vince ask.

"How many times do I have to tell you I can't?" I yell back.

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