Its My Body (23)

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So I've been home for a while now and things are getting back to normal. I got detention for leaving school grounds without permission. I've been in detention a lot but there's a reason for that. It either I'm late to class, I'm talking, I'm on my phone, or talking back. They told me that because I was in detention so much I couldn't play in our next up coming game. But my coach fought it and said they needed me in this next game because its important. We made it to the semi-finals and were facing other teams who made it. The national team camp is coming up soon. I'm taking 2 weeks off of school to go to California. I've told all my friends about my sister and what happened with that and they all want to meet her. But that's not going to happen until Winter Break which is the week I get back from the camp. On top of that my birthday is during this break and Rydel and I are going to celebrate together. Its also the week I have to make up all the work I missed. But oh well. So right now I'm at the tattoo shop with my friends. We came here after school, Ryan knows a guy.

"Babe, Hope is going to kill you." Sofia says for like the 100th time.

"Look it's my body I can do as I please." I say.

I already have 8 piercings and hope only knows about 4 of them. So I got my first ear hole when I was a baby. I got my second for my 8th grade graduation present. The third one at the top of my ear, my nose, and my belly button was when I was drunk and decided to be a rebel. The last 4 are the ones Hope doesn't know about but I'm getting a few tattoos and 2 more piercings. I have this drawing that reminds me of all the things I've been through in my life that I'm getting on my shoulder its big so its going to go down arm. I have this quote,

Butterflies are proof that you can have a chance at a second life.

I'm putting it below my rib cage. Its going to be in Russian for my mom, Yes I'm still upset that she kept it from me. But I'm sure she had a good reason, whatever t may be. When I was little she would say this all the time but I think there was something she was trying to get away from in Russia. But I have Rydel in my life now so it doesn't matter. I want a yin and yang sign behind my ear. It's going to be small and you can only see it if your really looking. I'm getting my lip pierced and my tongue pierced. I'm going to put in my other piercings too so you can see them.

It took a couple of hours but they were all done. Mark was the cover I said I would be at his house after school so Hope didn't ask where I was. I had to take off my shirt so they could do the tattoo so I'm just in my joggers. Its getting colder here so I can't really wear crop tops anymore. But I'm all about graphic tee-shirts. Anyway I go look in the mirror and it came out amazing. My arm is kinda sore but oh well. I buy some new rings for my piercings and put them in and I'm ready to go. Sofia comes and hugs me.

"You know you kinda look like a badass." She whispers in my ear.

"Just wait until this heals, I'll show you a thing or two." I say.

The guys gives me all the supplies I need to keep the tattoo and piercings clean and we're on our way to my house. The only thing that is visible are my ear, nose, lip, and tongue (When I speak). But when we pull up I try to go straight to my room but that didn't work out.

"Rylee come here." Hope yells.

She in the kitchen and my friends come with me. Hope's back is turned she's cooking something. But Carli closes the fridge and looks at me.

"What the hell is on your face?" She yells.

Hope turns around and stares at me.

"You have a minuet to explain before I go off on you." Hope says.

"Well I wanted to get another piercing so I go 3 new ones." I say.

"Three? Its looks like there's a whole lot more than three." Hope says.

Twist, Turns, & Broken Promises...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora