Broken Dreams (24)

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So I woke up before everyone else which is weird so I get up and go into the kitchen. Today is Sunday and we have a game today. This is my last game with the team before I go to camp. Its a home game and I have a pre-game ritual. I pull out some frozen fruit, apple juice, and spinach. I know everyone is asleep but I put in in the blender. When my drink is done I get out a clif bar and sit at the table and eat. While I'm eating I check social media. Ever since people found out who I am I've gained a few thousand follows on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. When I'm done eating I go to my room and grab a sports bra, and my Nike track pants. I put on one of Hope's thermal training shirts and go for my run. I put on my arm band and start my workout playlist. I switch between sprinting and jogging around the neighborhood. There's this kid named Austin who lives a few blocks down from me who goes running around the same time so we end up running together. He's on the swimming and track team at school. There's this winding path near the end of our run and we always race each other. I win everytime but its fun watching him try to beat me.

"So Solo who do you have the pleasure of beating today?" Austin ask.

"Um well its a home game and I'm not sure. But if you wanted to you could come." I say.

"I mean I don't know I have a pretty full schedule." Austin says.

"Well if you feel like fitting me into that schedule then come if not I won't lose any sleep over it." I say.

Its kinda chilly outside but I take off my shirt leaving me in my training bra.

"You know its like 40 degrees right?" Austin ask.

"Yeah I do look like I care?" I ask.

We continue to walk until we get to the block my house is on. Again we race to the front of my house.

"May we meet again." Austin says.

"You watch The 100 too much." I say.

"Maybe, but I gotta go. I'll see you around Solo."

He walks away and I go into the house. I smell food cooking and walk into the kitchen. Everyone is up and sitting at the table.

"Did you go running without a shirt on?" Hope ask.

"Yes and no." I say.

"Your going to get sick." Carli says.

"Well then I'll have 2 lovely people to take care of me." I say.

I go over and kiss Sofia on the cheek before sliding into the seat next to her.

"Why are you up so early? We had to drag you off the couch the last time you stayed at my house." Ryan says.

"Its game day, I have a routine I have to go through. And you did not have to drag me off that couch." I say.

"Yeah we did babe." Sofia says.

Everybody laughs while I pout.

"Hope how do you get her up in the morning?" Amanda ask.

"Easy, I tell her to get up." Hope says.

My friends look at me like I'm crazy.

"Okay here's the thing. She can be really intimating at times, sometimes I like to push my lucky. But when she says my whole government I know that I have 2.2 seconds to get up before I get my ass kicked." I say.

Everyone but Hope laughs.

We all finish eating and then I go into my room with Amanda and Sofia. I take off my track pants and I'm just left with my sports bra and Nike pros on. There's a knock at the door and Ryan comes in.

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