The New Me (26)

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So I've been following all the rules Hope and Carli set for me but they can't watch me 24/7. I've been hanging out with this girl, her name is Lux. She's the person your parents always warn you to stay away from but do we really listen? Anyway she goes to my school and she's the school's badass, we met in detention. My leg is healed but I haven't been going to practice at all. I haven't been hanging out with my friends as much which is completely my fault. Anytime I get upset or stressed I go to Lux and she takes all my problems away. And before you get any ideas NO I'M NOT CHEATING ON SOFIA!!! I just get high and drunk when I'm with Lux. Anyway its Monday and I pull up to the school. I was walking to my locker when Sofia grabbed my arms and pulled me into the bathroom. She locked the door and stood in front of me. I could tell she was pissed but about what, I have no clue.

"Why are you so distant lately?" She ask.

"Look I've been going through a lot of shit and I don't want to drag you guys down with me." I say.

"Rylee this isn't you and I'm your girlfriend you can't push me away because you feel like its the best thing to do." Sofia says.

She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my chest.

"Just let me help you." Sofia says.

When she says that I go off. I push her off of me and punch the hand dryer which now has a dent in it.


I look at Sofia and I can see the fear in her eyes. I calm down and back away slowly.

"Sofia I love you but I can't do this anymore. We need a break." I say.

I open the bathroom door and walk out. I go to the spot where Lux and I meet up and I text her to come meet me. The look in Sofia's eyes, its the reason why I pushed her away. I never wanted her to be scared of me. I always end up hurting the people I love. I pulled out if my thoughts when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Whatcha need?" Lux ask.

"To get the hell outta here." I say.

We leave school and go to her place. Lux's parents don't care about her which is what we kinda bonded over. They're rich and they wanted the perfect little girl. When they saw what path Lux was going down they said she had to go. They still finance her so she bought an apartment and a car. When we get to her house I go and lay on the couch. Lux goes into the kitchen and comes back with Vodka and we get hammered.

"What about Hope?" Lux asks.

"I know she cares but I don't know." I say.

Lux tumbles to her room and comes back with these pills.

"What are those?" I ask.

"My happy little pill." Lux says.

She hands me one and I swallow it and after a while I feel like I'm floating. Lux and run outside her apartment and down into the city. Its dark outside already, I have no clue how long I've been with Lux or what time it is. The little shops had their lights on and the city looked amazing. We were both fine and having fun. One minuet I'm laughing and the next I'm falling.

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