MIA (20)

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So at the moment I'm on a plane. Where to? I'll tell you when I get there. And before you ask no I'm not running away because I saw my girlfriend talking to her ex. Yes I'm still pissed about that but I've been talking to Mr.Williams about my sister. So if you haven't guessed it by now yes I'm on my way to Canada. When I land and turn on my phone I have a lot of missed calls. Not only from Hope and Carli but my friends and teammates. Mr.Williams told me a few weeks ago that my sister wanted to meet me. At first I said no but I changed my mind because I want to give her a chance. It was a 4 hour flight so when I landed I was a little tired. I saw a guy and he had a piece of paper with my name on it. So I walked over to him.

"My god you both look so alike. I'm going to assume that your Rylee?" The guy ask.

"Yup, that's me." I say.

"Well my name is Henry and I'm Rydel's adoptive father." Henry says.

"Nice to meet you." I say.

"Well its almost 6 o'clock so my wife is at the house making dinner. Grab your things and we'll head off."

We waited for my bags then left the airport. I'm not going to lie I was kinda nervous but oh well. We pulled up at this house. It looked fairly big from the outside. I got my bags and Henry lead me inside. I lady I assumed was his wife came to the door.

"Rylee this is my wife Rebecca." Henry says.

She covers her mouth as stares at me.

"You guys look just alike." Rebecca says.

A girl who looks about 20 comes in.

"Well mom they're twins for crying out loud." She says.

"Rylee this is Rachel Rydel's older sister." Henry says.

"Well Rydel is in her room. Rachel will help you bring your bags into the guest room and then we'll all meet back in the kitchen for dinner." Rebecca says.

I grab my bags and follow Rachel upstairs. We put my bags in a room that was a little smaller than my own then went downstairs. When I walked downstairs I saw her. She look exactly like me which was kinda freaky.

"Rylee this is Rydel. Rydel that's Rylee." Rebecca says.

"Hi." Rydel says.

"Hey." I say.

"This is freaky." Rachel says.

"No kidding." Rydel and I say at the same time.

We ate dinner and had small talk. I went back to the room Rachel showed me and unpacked my stuff. Rydel came in the room and sat on my bed.

"So tell me about yourself, I guess." Rydel says.

"Well I was raised in Arizona and had a good childhood for the most part. Then mom died and life was hell until Hope found me and took me in. What about you?" I ask.

"Well I had a good life. My parents adopted me when I was a baby and I've been here ever since." Rydel says.

I put a few clothes away while she just sat their.

"Can you tell me about them? Our parents?" Rydel ask.

"Well mom was a good person. She taught us to always respect others, that we weren't that different from one another. But she passed away not that long ago so I was left with our dad. He was away a lot because he was in the military. So he felt bad for not being able to always be there. He was also dealing with PTSD and started drinking. When he was sober he was a hot mess. But then he drank he got abusive. One night I couldn't take it anymore and I left. That's when Alex found me along with some of the other girls. They found out what my dad did and got me out of there. He was put in jail and I went with Hope. I thought my mom could do no wrong until my dad told us about you. I didn't even know you existed." I say.

"I didn't know about you guys. Because I was so young when it happened they have always been my parents. And Rachel didn't ever call me her adoptive sister and they never called me their adoptive daughter. They told me I was adopted when I was old enough to understand. But it just made me love them more."

"Well I'm happy you had a good life."

"I'm sorry our dad was such a dick to you. But what do we do now?"

"I don't know, my mom is going crazy trying to find me."

"What do you mean find you?"

Oh shit, I didn't really tell them about me running away.

"Well my mom doesn't know that I'm here. But I had to meet you and now that I have I want to know you more."

"Good because I wasn't going to let my twin sister show up here and then bail."

I smile and turn my phone on. It starts ringing as soon as its on and it Hope. I know she's worried sick so I answer it.


"Mom relax I'm fine but I need you to promise not to freak out when I tell you." I say.

"Rylee you left school and disappeared how in the hell do you expect me not to freak out?" Hope ask.

I hear Carli in the background. Hope puts the phone on speaker.

"Mom I'm not telling you until you calm." I say.

Hope takes a few deep breaths and then stays silent.

"I'm in Canada, I came to meet my twin sister." I say.

"YOU WHAT?" Hope and Carli yell.

"Look I know it sounds bad but mom they're really nice people. And she had a good life which is one of the main reasons I came. I wanted to make sure the person who has the same DNA as me was okay." I say.

"Look I understand why you went. I just wish you would have told somebody before you went. Also your 16 you can't just go to another country by yourself." Hope says.

"Any not to be rude but there are a lot of crazy people now a days what if something happened?" Carli ask.

"I know but I was a combination of brave and stupid." I say.

"Yeah your definitely my twin." Rydel says.

We both start cracking up.

"Hey we're coming to Canada to get you. Don't do anything else stupid or brave and be good." Hope says.

"Alright mom, I love you." I say.

"I love you too." Hope says.

"I love you too Carli." I say.

"I love you too." Carli says.

The call ends and Rydel and I go into her room. She puts on Netflix and we watch a movie while getting to know each other. Other than her accent and hair styles Rydel and I are identical. We both end up passing out in her room. I hope we can stay in contact with each other.

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